I need air movement or I feel like I can't breathe.  Believe it or not I sleep with oxygen....  sometimes I wake up feeling like I am suffocating.  Need air movement.  Catherine

From: Janice <jan...@centurytel.net>
To: bradebi <brad...@gmail.com>; transverse myelitis <tmic-list@eskimo.com>; kimr1...@bellsouth.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:01:11 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

Do you use
fans?   Air movement is really important for
me.          Janice
----- Original Message -----
>From: bradebi
>To: transverse myelitis ; kimr1...@bellsouth.net ; Janice
>Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 2:50 PM
>Subject: Re: [TMIC]
>I would be more like you in temperatures
>        but were I live there isn't many places with airconditioners...so I
>        have noticed that after 3 o'clock in the afternoon I get hot....but I
>        also have hot flashes at any time too.....and I can just be on the
>        computer just like right now and be sweating up a storm...and I soak
>        what ever I am wearing....I also turned 50 this year...so my Doctor told
>        me to keep track of what is going on, because there are a lot of things
>        can be happening...I could be pre menopausal.....haven't had any
>        improvement from this yet...sorry to say.

>From: Janice
>Date: 6/14/2009
>        8:31:46 PM
>To: bradebi;  transverse myelitis;  kimr1...@bellsouth.net
>Subject: Re:
>        [TMIC]

>You two seem to
>        be worse than I am!   I have found in the winter I choose
>        lighter sweaters than before TM.   In the summer,
>we keep the air
>        conditioner pretty cool - around 71 with ceiling fans going too. 
>        In the winter we keep the heat at around
>65 during the day
>        and 60 at nite.    All our friends know to wear heavier
>        clothing and grab an afghan when they come over.
>I also can be
>        doing basically nothing and all of a sudden I feel a heat coming out
>        from within - hate it.      Hope this
>        improves.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: bradebi
>To: transverse myelitis ; Janice ; kimr1...@bellsouth.net
>Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 9:45
>        PM
>Subject: Re: [TMIC]

>Does you sweat burn
>              your skin?...it drives me crazy

>              Message-------

>From: kimr1...@bellsouth.net
>Date: 6/12/2009
>              7:32:22 PM
>To: bradebi;  transverse myelitis;
>               Janice
>Subject: Re:
>              [TMIC]

>I am sitting here with the AC going, ceiling fan and two fans
>              on me and sweating! feet feel like there on fire(when I put lotion
>              on them it melts and turns to water) no kidding. banding is on
>              right side rib cage to waist.
>              Original message from "bradebi" <brad...@gmail.com>:
>              --------------
> >  >

>                    Janice
>I get
>                    very hot when it is only in the 70 or 80's  for no
>                    reason I can just be on the computer or watching TV and I
>                    will get real hot so much that I sweat a lot..(I soak my
>                    blouse) but I only sweat on my face neck and breasts..my
>                    lesion is at nipple level  T4  my  banding is
>                    where my bra snaps...so it feels like my bra is way to
>                    tight.
>In the
>                    cold weather I get more spastic and tight it hurts to bend
>                    knees and ankles. I still have the  banding in winter
>                    too...and if my husband puts the furnace up to high I will
>                    over heat...I love to go out in the snow with just what I
>                    have on and bear foot and watch all the steam come off
>                    me..its a riot...
>                    spastic paraplegic T4 incomplete
>                    Lake Tahoe Ca.

>From: Janice
>Date: >                    6/11/2009 6:41:35 PM
>To: transverse
>                    myelitis
>Subject: >                    [TMIC]

>This is Janice,

>I have 2 questions:

>1. With hot weather coming, do any of you have a
>                    problem with all of a sudden being really hot?  I know
>                    some
>of you had a problem with the cold last winter,
>                    but does your body change in summer and you get hit with
>                    being hot instead
>of cold?    I really have a problem with
>                    heat - especially with humidity.  I get
>                    hot, then weak.   Not good.

>2.  Several of you have mentioned the tight "band"
>                    around your body.  I am not sure this band is in the
>                    same place for
>everyone.    Also, has there been any
>                    change in the band with those of you who have had TM for a
>                    long time? 




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