Yesterday when I got to the hospital they told me that Jim had breathed for 
 an hour on his own that morning. As you can imagine that was the best news 
I  have a long time. I am not sure what that means in the scheme 
of things  (moving him or not etc.) but it sure gives me hope! They will 
decide tomorrow  morning. I will pack tonite when I get home from there,I went 
to church and Eric  and Cindy and girls went there this am and are now on 
there way home to  Kzoo.Jodi and Dave have been there this afternoon and may be 
gone by the time I  get there. Jim needs to rest and I will sit quietly in 
his room ready to smile  and blow him kisses, when, he wakes up. Keep the 
prayers coming. Til next  time. carol and jim
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