You shoudn't feel that way. What's important is how you live your life and treat others. The grass always looks greener..

Billy Joel was cool, as you can imagine.  He has a great sense of humor. :)

Be well,

Trudy Ogilvie wrote:
I'm begining to feel like a "nobody" on this list! First we find out Gunny was the drummer for the Edsels!!... Now Kevin is a photog who actually met "the boss" not only met him but photographed him.... what was he like?..... I would guess awesome! Have a good one! blessings Trudy Thanks for the encouragement Kevin.....I have now been off Cymbalta for about 5 days! Of course my husband has been missing for awhile.... :) I'm sure he'll come out of hiding soon.... On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Kevin Wolfthal < <>> wrote:


    Good luck weaning off the Cymbalta. I couldn't handle the side
    effects of Cymbalta
    or Lyrica. Terrible digestive problems.

    I got to meet Billy Joel with his wife (at the time) Christie
    Brinkley and daughter
    Alexa. I photographed them and did a family picture album for
    them. Small world. :)

    All the best,

    Trudy Ogilvie wrote:

        I have two sons 29 & 33  May I send you their addresses!
         Actually they are very good to me...
        I slowly weaned off Cymbalta... but since it comes in various
        dosages I could do that easily...
        90mg,  60mg,  30mg... It definitely helped with my pain but
        since being diagnosed with MS
        I would like to try a drug LDN - low dose naltraxone. Before
        trying tho I'd like to get off of some of my meds.
        Make sense? Still holding on to Lyrica.  But now I will see if
        I do get depressed,  the Cymbalta was helping with
        that also. I was originally on it for pain.
        Trudy   ( who is not far from where "Billy Joel" grew up in N.Y.)
        Sort of nice not being home... I can sit and read and answer
        all my e-mails... take my time and enjoy!

        On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Kevin Wolfthal
        < <>
        <>>> wrote:

           Hi all,

           Because I haven't been able to get my pain treated
        properly, I've
           been taking
           Tylenol Extra Strength w/Acetaminophen for a long time.  I
           take it every
           day, but regularly.  I take the bare minimum dose, usually
        no more
           than one a
           day.  I have not had liver probems, but recently, new warnings
           have come out
           about long term use of acetaminophen.  So I am cutting my usage
           down.  Just
           wondering if there is a proper 'weaning off' of meds like
            I tried
           going cold turkey, but that didn't work.  I will ask my doc
           this also,
           just wondered if there's a basic weaning off rule.


           PS: My Mom turned 86 today!  Amazing lady!  I made her some
           Michael Buble, and Billy Joel cd's, and gave her flowers.  :)

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