Just to hopefully offer encouragement to some, for me  sensation did come 
back -- better than ever. I was really surprised the first  time we tried 
after TM, and I can't remember how long that was, that my  sensation then was 
not normal. It wasn't that I had no sensation, but it was a  little "off." 
For instance, at first when I used the bathroom I had to make sure  the seat 
was up because it felt like I was sitting on the closed lid  even though I 
wasn't. I hadn't even thought about that in relation to sex  until  that first 
time we tried, and I was surprised and dismayed. But my  husband encouraged 
me to just keep trying and called it our "therapy."  :-)
In addition to TM, though, age and being out of shape are  other factors. 
Some of you may remember a long time ago an Ann Landers poll that  showed 
many women enjoyed the cuddling and closeness as much or more than "the  act." 
There are times that we just enjoy that, too. I would encourage anyone not  
to give up on that part even if you can't go "all the way." There are times 
I've  avoided that physicality because I really didn't feel like sex, but I 
think that  is a mistake.
Sandy Siegel wrote a great article on this in one of the TMA  newsletters 
-- let me see if I can find it...here it is:
BTW, past newsletters are all available at
I saw some about caregivers while searching for this one -- I  know we 
discussed that recently, too.
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com) 
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