Wow, Gunny!  If I was single I just might hop a plane and come see you..
uhhh...just to meet you face to face, that is....::))   (Just kidding but
you should give classes on this very thing!!  You are good!!)  Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/25/2009 9:03:23 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Sex
Some Interesting points have been brought up in this discussion, so I'm
gonna chime in. Understand, I'm only speaking for myself, but there may be
some points to ponder here. Ok, when I first got married again, and she came
to Ohio, things went well the first night we were together,  but, after I
got to see her demeanor and attitude, things went quickly down the tubes. It
didn't take long for her to tell me she hated me, and wished I was dead. I
suppose part of that was because I forced her to go to work. In any case,
with me, not all men, physical attraction was the main purpose to get
involved. One needs to take time to find out what kind of person lives
inside the one you want to tie up with, and, is that the same person that's
projected to the world, or are they different? Are they one person at home,
and another to the outside world. If so, then that's a phoney. Since this
wonderful probelm of TM has so graciously decided to rule my life, I've
begun to see that looks don't mean a helluva lot. Oh, not the physicality
doesn't matter, but it shouldn't be uppermost. In your youth, maybe, but as
you age, you take on a different outlook. I know for myself, attitude plays
a big role. If your a weasel of a person, nothings gonna happen, no matter
how hard I try, or what pill I take. If, and if, I feel the desire, and your
receptive, possibly. Also, age plays a role in this. I find the oder I get,
the less desire I have. As far as feelings go, meaning sensation, if my
partner has diminished sensation, I'll do what it takes to try and get some
back. It's like, if you don't use it, you lose it syndrome. Maybe that'll
work, maybe it wont, but, if you have feelings for you partner, you'll at
least try. Men have a way of thinking, well, I can't feel anything or if you
can't feel anything, what's the use. Oh yeah, what about at least giving it
a shot. Your mind may come into play here in that, you remember what it was
like, maybe it'll be that way again. But, if you don't try. you'll never
know. One thing I've found out through my trek in life is, men need to know
they're needed, and women need to know they're loved. If those two needs are
met, the rest should fall into place. If you love each other, then damnit,
show it. It's never too late to experiment. Take those old tapes that are
playing in your mind, instilled by parents who say, certain sexual
techniques if you will, are taboo, and throw em in the shit can. There's
nothing taboo about loving someone, and showing them that you do. I gotta do
more thinking on this matter, but these are the thoughts that have been
running through my mind since this subject came up.

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