Way to go, Barbara...  Well said.  We'll get thru all of this just like we
get thru our other challenges in life.  This is a small one compared to some
 right??  Just keep supporting and loving each other and that will take care
of the rough stuff.  Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
From: balmat...@aol.com
Date: 6/29/2009 2:01:17 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Sheesh! Stop it Guys!
Emails are often misunderstood.  It's just not as easy to get the point that
was trying to get across sometimes.  Even someone with really good reading
or writing skills gets misunderstood sometimes by someone with the same. 
Then there are some, like me, who really don't read all of the words
sometimes, and need to go over the message a time or two or three.  And, I
still screw things up.  

It would be great if we could just communicate in person, or on the phone
and know what everyone else is thinking like we do on the TMIC, but it's not
possible, so here we are.  We just do what we can to get through it.  We
should have figured out by now that life is not perfect, so don't expect
perfection from each other.  Especially when there is pain and medication

Hugs, Barbara A

-----Original Message-----
From: jrushton <jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com>
To: Grace M. <grace...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sun, Jun 28, 2009 5:19 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Sheesh! Stop it Guys!

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