Yes true. I've gained better friends. 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence King <>

Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 13:41:17 
To: <>
Cc: Lawrence King<>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Friendships

I've not lost any friends and in fact, with the addition of all of  
you and the other groups I have joined on line as a result of this  
disease,  my list of friends has increased tenfold.  Major life  
changes always cause a shift in focus and friends who no longer have  
similar understandings often fade away.  I left the craft word for  
the Antique restoration world and both lost and gained dozens of  
friends.  As an extreme Introvert my definition of friendship is a  
little different than many; I find frequent contact taxing even with  
the people I love most, but I am grateful for the knowledge that  
there are a great many people who would be there for me should I need  
them. You encourage each other, You pray for each other; I have seen  
some of you actually make the effort to meet in person and I have  
watched as some of you even support each other financially in times  
of need.  The new reality is that best friends can now meet and never  
see each others face.  I meet people all the time who are too busy to  
consider having a new friend an I bet if we take an inventory of  
these internet friends many of us can say we have gained more than we  
have lost.

Mindy the Artisan

On Jul 23, 2009, at 1:10 PM, Janice wrote:

> I have another question that has been rolling around in my head.
> Have any of you lost/gained friendships after developing TM/ 
> MS?      Are some maybe solicitious about giving you a call periodi- 
> cally, but you don't really see much of them?     Or, are some of  
> your friends from before TM becoming even better and closer
> friends.     I am talking about emotional support, visits, outings,  
> etc.       I am wondering how many have stuck with you or
> traveled on after the initial onset and de-hospitalization  
> period.         Maybe it has stayed the same.
> Janice

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