*Hello Alton,

NMO is an autoimmune CNS disease that causes relapsing LETM  (Longitudinal
Extensive Transverse Myelitis) in 90% of patients, relapsing ON (Optic
Neuritis), and in 62% of patients, eventually brain lesions.  It's a very
serious disease and the prognosis is poor.  Within five years, 50% of
patients will be permanently blind in at least one eye (Often bilaterally.)
and permanently parlayzed in at least one limb. (Often more.)  There is a
33% mortality rate in the first five years, with death being caused by
respiratory failure which is the result of a compromised brain stem.  At ten
years, the rate of serious disabilty is 50%.

I failed on first line treatments and currently use Rituximab, a monoclonal
antibody which is a chemo agent.

It's no fun.  :-(


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