The terms sure r confusing. They used terms multiple mylites, multiple 
scerosis, multple mylopothy, transverse mylopothy, and just mylites and 
mylopothy. My docs have never even use the term transverse mylitis. 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Janice" <>

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:12:21 
To: <>
Subject: [TMIC] TM

I have another question:

A good friend of mine has MS and has had it for about 15 years.     Now, last 
month her 35-year old son started
having numbness in his left hand.    They did many tests on him and after 
having a spinal tap, diagnosed him with
TM.    He has had no pain except for the "band" feeling around his back.    
They are giving him intervenous meds
every few days and then will start him on Prednisone pills.           His legs 
are fine, along with the other hand.    They 
(doc's) say he may go into recurring TM and maybe develop MS later on  -  or 
this may be the only bout he has with
TM.         Have any of you ever heard of TM hitting so small a part of the 
                 I also should say that they call it a "myelitis" - not sure if 
they have said transverse myelitis and not sure
if that makes any difference.        I was really surprised by the way myelitis 
hit him and wondered if you all had ever
heard of it happening that way.


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