Am really glad you went with the baclofen pills.   I think you will really be 
helped.    Keep us posted on progress.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jan Hargrove 
  To: Janice ; lynne myers ; tmic ; Bernie (S&FS)Butcher 
  Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:05 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Medications


        I think you've made the best decision, at least you're thinking about 
the "possibilities"
        that might happen down the road with the pump......I never wanted to 
try the pump just from the discussions on here in the last 13 years. Spasms are 
a nasty reality for many 
        of us, but I think the lesser of the evils that you had with your 
recent 'experience'!

        Of course, who knows what's right,I just think you're doing the best 
for yourself 'cause
        your choice is the one I would make!!  ;)

        Glad the pills are helping!


        --- On Mon, 7/27/09, Butcher, Bernie (S&FS) 
<> wrote:
          Hi Jan - what I am going to do is try the baclofen pills again. I am 
going to work my way up & hopefully find a dose that helps me, I don't want to 
get the pump. First, it's surgery, to get the thing in (scary!), and, once it's 
in, & I'm having trouble, I'll be stuck with it. Since Friday, I'm taking 15mg, 
with no problems (and spasms are not too bad!). I'm going to stay at 15 for 
another week.


          From: Jan Hargrove [] 
          Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 12:25 PM
          To: Janice; lynne myers; tmic; Butcher, Bernie (S&FS)
          Subject: RE: [TMIC] Medications

                Sorry about your rotten experience...........guess you got your 
answer as to whether you want the implant?  Hope you're better soon!!  janh

                --- On Fri, 7/24/09, Butcher, Bernie (S&FS) 
<> wrote:

                     I had my Baclofen trial on Wednesday, and I have to say it 
was not a pleasant experience. The spinal tap was quite painful, and after an 
hour, They had me walking with walker OK, but an hour later, I could hardly 
stand – after that, all I could do is stay in bed in the hospital. No spasms, 
but I did get leg cramps. They got me into the car at the end of the day like a 
190 lb, sack of potatoes. When I got home, my brother had to do the same, and 
also got me into bed. The next day, which they said I would b e back to normal, 
I wasn’t. I could stand & take a few steps, but on my way to the bathroom, my 
legs gave out & I fell. Today, Friday, I am back to normal, spasms & all.

                     This whole ordeal has gotten me down on Baclofen and the 
pump idea.    





                  From: Janice [] 
                  Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 7:36 PM
                  To: lynne myers; tmic
                  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications



                  Mine were almost that bad at the beginning.   The baclofen 
really saved my sanity!


                    ----- Original Message ----- 

                    From: lynne myers 

                    To: tmic 

                    Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 7:27 AM

                    Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

                          My spasms are worse the lower in my body you go.  
Lower part of legs give me the most problems.  They used to be so  bad my 
husband would tell me it looked like I was trying to ride a bicycle.  A couple 
of times when I was laying on the sofa they actually flipped me off onto the 
floor.  Muscles in legs use to always be reall tight all the time too, so much 
so that when they would try to test my reflexes nothing moved.  Now things have 
gotten much better, I still have spasms off and on all day (worse when I have 
been overdoing it) but not nearly as severe when they occur.  Yes they have 
always been worse at night or when I try to lay down to relax.


                          --- On Sun, 7/19/09, Janice <> 

                            From: Janice <>
                            Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications
                            To: "lynne myers" <>, "tmic" 
                            Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 11:31 PM 


                            What are your spasms like?     Are they mostly at 
nite?     Also, is it located from bottom of feet to hip?        Janice

                              ----- Original Message ----- 

                              From: lynne myers 

                              To: Janice ; tmic 

                              Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 6:51 AM

                              Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

                                The pump is for the spasms.  It works the same 
as oral Baclofen but uses much less medication to get the same results.

                                The actual pump is inserted just above and to 
the left side of my belly button. Then the tubing runs from there around my 
left side and into the lower part of my spinal column.  The pump is about 4" 
across and sticks out about an inch and a half.  Its not really noticable under 
looser fitting tops, but real noticable in the summer, especially in my bathing 
suit.  No more clingy fabrics for me lol.


                                --- On Thu, 7/16/09, Janice 
<> wrote:

                                From: Janice <>
                                Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications
                                To: "lynne myers" <>, " 
Bernie (S&FS)Butcher" <>, "tmic" 
                                Date: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 11:45 PM 


                                Is the Baclofen pump you are using for pain or 
spasms, etc.?      Also, where is it inserted?           Janice




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