Only you could have thought to have a prayer pot!    I think you must be very 
organized.   Hope you are doing
well.             janice
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jrushton 
  To: Catherine ; tmic 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] hoping and praying for All

               Absolutely!  I have used one for many years, now.  I write the 
names on a little piece of paper, some every day and some days there is one 
special name on it.  Sometimes I put more than one in a day.  Mine is a basket 
with a lid that sits on it tipped a little to the side and I just add the 
paper.  It never seems to fill up...strange, huh???  

              Hugs for now...Jeanne

              -------Original Message-------

              From: Catherine
              Date: 8/10/2009 2:54:21 PM
              To: jrushton
              Subject: Re: [TMIC] hoping and praying for All


              What a great idea, a Prayer pot!  I hope you won't mind, today I 
am going to start one too.

              Thoughts and Prayers,

              From: jrushton <>
              To: Rebecca <>; tmic <>
              Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 11:03:26 PM
              Subject: Re: [TMIC] hoping and praying for All

                           You and Dennis are going in my Prayer Pot, Rebecca, 
and yes, you have a family of friends here that are a blessed group of people.  
Jeanne in Dayton, WA

                          -------Original Message-------

                          From: Rebecca
                          Date: 8/10/2009 9:48:37 AM
                          To: Undisclosed-Recipient:,
                          Subject: [TMIC] hoping and praying for All

                          I received so many e-mails after I asked for opinions 
and that is what I got.After thinking and reading all of the replies I new we 
were not doing anything in a hurry.

                          As I am writing to you  that Dennis is still in  the 
Hospital but improving. Nothing more is being said about amputation. They now 
have 2 wound vaccs and it is doing the job. I am so proud of Dennis. I feel he 
is an inspiration to so many. I read all the mail and there are so many of you 
that are more than a friend on cyberspace. I pray for all of you daily.

                          I will keep you posted .






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