Hi Linda, 

Thanks for your email and encouragement.

Hugs, Barbara A

-----Original Message-----
From: L T CHERPESKI <cherp...@msn.com>
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com; balmat...@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Aug 17, 2009 9:03 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] my knee



Well it's no big deal about not asking about the injection of cartilage, but it 
IS a big deal what you're going through.? My goodness.? Did you already have 
the Cortisone injection, if so please let us know if it helps.? I hope for your 
sake it does.??I'm impressed with your doctor for being totally honest with you 
by telling you not to expect this to be a magic pill.? Everybody has different 
issues, so the outcome is not necessarily the same for all. 


Hey,?congratulations on those pounds you already lost.? Getting started is the 
hardest part, and looks like you're on your way.??It is?a lot of hard work 
after the surgery, but you will feel sooo much better.? And "better" is 
good.??I know you can do it!??Just keep focused on being able to be more active.


Please keep us posted.




----- Original Message ----- 

From: balmat...@aol.com 

To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 

Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:25 AM

Subject: [TMIC] my knee

I went to the orthopedist yesterday, and found out that I am indeed a candidate 
for a knee replacement.??I am 58 yrs old and he said that typically they like 
to wait till 60 or older because they do need replacing in 10-15 yrs on 
average.? With as much as I'd walk on it, I'd probably get a longer life 
though, as he said what happens is the screws get loose and they need to go in 
and re-do them.


He also schedules about 2 months out, and it takes most people about 4-6 months 
of rehab to be back to 100%.? I really didn't want to be recouperating over 
Christmas, so I opted to try a Cortisone injection to see if it would get me 
through a bit until I could get at least past the holidays.? I don't know if 
it'll work or not, but it's worth a try.? I should know soon if the shot is 
successful or not.?? My nephew gets married the 28th of August,?and I am hoping 
to go to the wedding without knee pain.


I loved him.? I've had 2 DVT's in this leg and have torn muscles also in the 
past few years.? He told me that this is not going to fix all the problems that 
I am having with my leg.? It may help them since the knee will be stronger, 
won't buckle?on me,?and the muscles?won't have to be compensating as much, but 
I shouldn't go into the replacement and expect it to be the magic pill.? But, I 
have serious circulation problems that will not be helped, so my feeling is I 
have to try to help as much as I can to get back to being able to walk more 
again and become more active, if possible.? I walked more and better up until a 
few years ago.


I was so surprised that he didn't talk at all about my weight.? I could stand 
to lose a good bit of weight, and am going to be making a valiant effort at 
that.? I've already started and have lost the few pounds that I have gained 
back over the past few months.? The yo-yo thing, not good.? It will make it 
much easier on my knees now and in the future, as well as the rehab when the 
day comes to try to get back up on the new knee.? Yikes, that's going to take 
some work!? Hope I'm up to it.?


Linda, I'm very sorry, but I forgot to ask about the injection of cartilage.? 
There was so much going on between my husband asking about healthcare and the 
knee that we were in his office for almost an hour.


Hugs to all, Barbara A






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