I take both, Rob, and the Cymbalta does help with the pain.  The Lyrica
75mg 8AM and noon, I take with Tramadol and together they really help with
taking the bad edge of the pain away.  I tried taking something different
than Cymbalta because it is so horribly expensive $150+/month but it didn't
work ridding me of the pain at all. I don't notice any side effects from it.

The Lyrica itself is $75/month just for a month's supply.  The main side
effect I found is weight gain.

Adding the Tramadol was one of the best things my doctor did.  Where the
Lyrica didn't quite make the grade, adding the Tramadol really did help! 
Hope this helps???  Everyone is different, right??  Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
From: Robert Pall
Date: 9/3/2009 8:35:31 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] New Medications
        Readers of my postings will remember that I saw Dr Kerr in July and
we decided to wean myself off of 2 of my medications. The first one I went
off of was 4-Aminopyridine (a Potassium channel blocker) and the second med
is Lyrica. Anyway I did not notice any change in my banding going off of the
4-AP however once I reduced the Lyrica from 450 mg per day (3 pills) to 150
mg per day (1 pill) the banding in both legs became much worse. Per Dr. Kerr
I went back to 300 mg of Lyrica but the banding is still much worse. The new
approach is to go back to my original meds and original dosages….but before
Dr Kerr has me go back on the 4-AP he wants me to try adding Cymbalta to the
Lyrica and see if that will reduce the banding. Question…do any of you take
both Lyrica and Cymbalta and if so with what kind of results. If you only
take Cymbalta has it helped and if so in what way….lastly what dosage do you
take and are there negative side effects.
Rob in New Jersey 



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