
I am so happy to hear that you finally found someone who has all the
attributes you described below.  I know it is hard sometime, but we need to
have faith in the human race.  I know there are so many good people out
there, sometimes it takes a lot of work to find that person.  I will pray
that his lady will turn out to be the right person for you.

Patti - Wisconsin

-----Original Message-----
From: Akua [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 12:22 AM
To: Kevin Wolfthal;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT Good news!

I am so glad this worked out for you!!!

>Well, I think the powers that be finally gave my Mom and me a break. 
>I hired someone from Companions and Homemakers, and she just 
>finished. She is WONDERFUL! Efficient, friendly, kind, and just a 
>lovely person. She's coming back tomorrow and I hope this isn't too 
>good to be true.
>Just when you give up hope in humanity..


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