Thank you all for the prayers ...they worked....!
Just wanted to send a quick note and let you know
I'm home and resting....good heavens, Christmas
is right around that corner....I'm almost ready.   There
will be a few less homemade cookies and fudge  this
year but no one seems to mind one bit.  :-)   I  did manage
to get some cookie dough in the freezer before I had  my
heart attack so those grandbabies aren't going to  be
disappointed one bit.  :-)  Bill helped me finish  decorating
our tree last night.... presents are wrapped and ready to  go
under the tree.....lights and wreaths are up.....
I am so, so thankful I didn't procrastinate and got a lot  of
things finished early......never would have dreamed I'd  have
a heart attack 11 days before Christmas.  
My kids....bless their hearts....said, " not  cook...!
We can just have KFC or something.   We do NOT  want
you to do any work.   Right.   :-)    It's standing rib for them......they
just don't know it yet.    Heck.....KFC would  probably put me right
back in the cardiac intensive care  unit....LOL....!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.....don't know when  I'll
be back on this computer so please bear with me if I owe you  a
letter.....I will write sometime after Christmas God  willing.
   Love to all,    Lynn

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