Hi Lynn,

I was so please to open up my email and see the fantastic news about you 
getting your walking papers from the hospital.  Such a great blessing so close 
to Christmas.

And, tell your daughter that one year I was supposed to bring some cole slaw to 
my brother's for Christmas, I know that sounds a bit odd, but they were making 
a ham and his wife had a really good recipe and wanting some cole slaw for the 
salad element.  With all the excitement and me being new to TM and not at my 
best mental functioning, I totally forgot about it.  I remembered about it 
Christmas morning and sent Pete to the store to try to buy the fixings and he 
couldn't find one open.

I then sent him to KFC, thinking he could buy it there and I'd doctor it up.  
Well, there were 3 different ones in our area and they were all closed.  

So.......it's probably a good thing that you or somebody is doing some cooking. 
 Incidentally, just a thought that somebody besides you could also do the 
cooking or pitch in if you get tired or aren't able.  Our sons have turned into 
as good of cooks as I've ever been in some ways and better in other ways and 
have really stepped up many times.  Not so much when it comes to the daughter 
in-laws, but then they don't really need to worry much about cooking when the 
guys do such a good job.  They are usually on the prep and clean-up duty, lol.

Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-----Original Message-----
From: roseofr...@aol.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, Dec 22, 2009 2:54 pm
Subject: [TMIC] Lynn Rose has been released from hospital..

Thank you all for the prayers ...they worked....!
Just wanted to send a quick note and let you know
I'm home and resting....good heavens, Christmas
is right around that corner....I'm almost ready.  There
will be a few less homemade cookies and fudge this
year but no one seems to mind one bit.  :-)   I did manage
to get some cookie dough in the freezer before I had my
heart attack so those grandbabies aren't going to be
disappointed one bit.  :-)  Bill helped me finish decorating
our tree last night.... presents are wrapped and ready to go
under the tree.....lights and wreaths are up.....
I am so, so thankful I didn't procrastinate and got a lot of
things finished early......never would have dreamed I'd have
a heart attack 11 days before Christmas.  
My kids....bless their hearts....said, "Mom...do not cook...!
We can just have KFC or something.   We do NOT want
you to do any work.   Right.  :-)    It's standing rib for them......they
just don't know it yet.    Heck.....KFC would probably put me right
back in the cardiac intensive care unit....LOL....!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.....don't know when I'll
be back on this computer so please bear with me if I owe you a
letter.....I will write sometime after Christmas God willing.
   Love to all,   Lynn

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