Each person who is paralyzed would have a different answer..

Paralysis is the inability to move.

As TM does not equal paralysis,
neither does paralysis equal TM
so doubtless there are those who are paralyzed who feel NO pain.

MY paralysis is a result of TM.

If you are asking ME (vs some "person") where MY pain is:
 I feel pain where I am paralyzed: in my legs and hips mostly.
though sometimes my feet throb. TM means I can't
"feel" on  the surface, I can't feel touch,
 but get to feel LOTS of pain  like
showers of sparks from frayed wires.


I am just curious, but when a person is paralyzed, where does the pain show up? Or does paralyzation only go so deep, not touching the nerves? I hate to sound so dumb, but just can't help it. Also, would neurontin be similar to Naltrexone?

From: "Akua" <a...@artfarm.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 4:43 PM
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] nerve pain

at the risk of sounding like a broken record
(gosh, only people of a certain age will get that metaphor)
Naltrexone moved my daily dose of hell  from
a 9 out of 10 to a 1 to 3.
I was down to to meds, now three:
low dose naltrexone, nadolol ( blood pressure)
and aspirin -- all TM related
as TM left me paralyzed and
in a wheelchair. Previously
I had not a single health concern.


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