I was out walking yesterday in New Jersey with my wife when I realized
how much stiffer my legs were. I attributed this to the cold (20
degrees). Im tired very quickly. In my case the 2 things that seem to
effect my legs the worst (the banding) is very cold weather (Florida
here I come) and very humid or rainy weather. Generally speaking I feel
better and stronger in the spring and summer!
Rob in New Jersey


From: kevin weilacher [mailto:hwyfli...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 9:43 AM
To: Grace M.; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?

Hey Gracie and everyone...
I've read through the posts..
I'm here...I don't post here often...too busy with my other projects
usually or actually, my distracted attention span takes me in 5
different directions that I forget to post anything.

As far as the weather/pain/cold/rain etc.....living in Northeast Ohio
certainly has given me some challenges with the cold in the winter
time...the pain is a mummer bugger most times and in the summer the heat
and humidity make me nuts. If I go outside and try to do any kind of
activity, I fatigue and get exhausted in no time at all...plus, I start
sweating and now with my TM, the only part of me that sweats anymore is
my head. It sweats profusely....

If I had a choice at this point, I would be living somewhere near a
place called Alamogordo NM. It is a small town in New Mexico and I lived
there for three years back in the 80's when I was in the Air Force.
That area has the most perfect weather in my eyes of any place that I've
ever been. 
Average annual high temp of 76 degrees, average annual low temp of 47
degrees, 11 inches total precipitation per year and 4 inches of snow per
Humidity averages only about 50% year around and also about 80% days of
sunshine a year.
The elevation is about 4,000 feet and within a 20 minute drive you can
go into the mountains and be over 9,000 feet and have all the snow you
want and it is 20 degrees cooler.

----Plus---I love southwest style food...not mexican, but southwest,
there is a difference. It's a combination of American Indian, Mexican
and Spanish.

One of these days......

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)


From: Grace M. <grace...@gmail.com>
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, January 31, 2010 7:02:39 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Yooo...hooo....TMIC Members, where are you?

Where is everyone?  The last msg that I got was from Frank, looking for
pie recipes.....
Anyone out there?

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