I need Vitamin  D -- there's no sun
I'm anemic low red blood cell count
my cholestrol is 163 (118-200)
my hdl is  36 (40-69)
my ldl is 113 (88-160)

she , the nurse practitioner , wrote: eat salmon olive oil almonds and walnuts-- all of which i do!!! And she suggested red wine to increase my hdl which i have no way to get since there is no paratransit here, I'm unable to shop for myself ...

and she said to watch my intake of trans fats.....I'm really PROUD of these results. though skewed they are a testament to my efforts to monitor and control my consumption though this is year 5 in the wheelchair TM smashed me into and proud of myself for INSISTING that I get a blood then and there. She told me it would be skewed because I hadn't fasted. I didn't think that eating an apple and having some plain tea would mess it up and it doesn't look like it did.

i only use olive oil in cooking and since i'm lactose intolerant what other fats these used to be via cheese, whipped cream, ice cream are decades in the past..... my blood sugar--- whatever that is, is 93 and deemed normal.....

The almond breeze was making me sick. i LOVEd it but now that i've stopped drinking it my discomfiture has ceased. thing is there is NOTHING for me to drink anymore. It's too cold for grape juice and Silk's soy milk made me sick too. I miss coffee but had to give it up 18 months ago because it gave me palpitations. I drink hot water flavored with cinnamon\ and cloves and some hibiscus or honey bush tea (related to rooiboos), but it's BORING i miss milky substitutes.

I was chewing calcium and D but ran out of it and it took 3 weeks to get some more. I also take folic and B 12 and have taken D since i was paralyzed-- but i guess it's not enough. She's ordered prescription levels of D--- I have to do more reading---I'm afraid to take prescription doses of anything. Are there downside to prescription levels of D (50,000)?


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