Hi, Betty,

Yes, I have shingles and as a nurse, I have seen different degrees of it.  It 
can be so painful it takes your breath away or it can be an irritating, 
burning, stinging, itch.  It follows a nerve trail so it is different for 
everyone.  If you had chicken pox you have the virus 'living' in you.  They do 
have a vaccine out for it now but last I heard, insurances didn't cover it.  
Maybe they do now since I haven't been a working nurse for awhile now living 
with the TM.

My shingles runs right along the path of the TM band but only on one side.  I 
can't stand to have anything touch my skin when it occurs.

I know that cover all of the answers for you but maybe it can help a little. :) 
 Jeanne in Dayton, WA where the sun is shining on the snow on the mountains all 
around us!! 

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