I agree Laura, but you do have to be very careful.  Right after I got TM, I
saw an ad for a herbal supplement for TM that came from Hong Kong through a
company in London.  I sent for it and took it for several months.  I did not
noticed any problems or benefits, but then one of my doctors had me do a a
liver test.  They found my liver enzymes were in terrible shape.  As soon as
I stopped the drug, my enzymes went back to normal.  I am so glad the doctor
did a routine check, or who knows how much damage I might have done.  The
one good thing is that the company did refund all the money I had spent on
the drug.

Be wise and be careful.

Patti - Wisconsin

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Beaudin [mailto:laura.beau...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 1:02 PM
To: Grace M.
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com

Not necessarily. While I do believe that 99.8% of all "cures" out there 
are pure bunk, Big Pharma has a lot fo pull and they go out of their way 
to discredit anything natural. Do you know that there's an actual 
treatment that can almost cure CP if the chold is young enough? Pure 
oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber.

There was a big study done in Quebec, but because no meds were needed, 
just oxygen, they pulled the plug on it. While it was a double-blind 
study, it wasn't hard to figure out who was getting O2 vs. air...kids 
who were completely immobile were walking and talking.

My roomate was a student shadow and her student was in this trial, but 
on the placebo. Parents had to pay through the nose to go have it done 
in another province privately. So yes, there are sometimes cures that 
people don't know about because the pharma companies go out of their way 
to discredit and bash them so that people mistrust.

My first question to myself is usually, can it hurt to try? If there's 
riskm, then yes, I'd be weary, but if it's something that wouldn't harm 
me regardless, bring it on.

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On 17/04/2010 11:53 AM, Grace M. wrote:
> Hello Sue,
> I've looked at the website and it appears to be just another snake oil 
> cure.  If there were a drug or herb that was guaranteed to treat 
> myelitis and resolve symptoms, the medical community would have jumped 
> on it.
> Respectfully,
> Grace

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