I can relate to everything you say here Gunny. I am finding the old family memories overwhelming right now also. Family vacations, little trips to the beach, telling a silly joke that made my Mom laugh. It is too hard to think about these things..but I can't help it, and all I can do is sigh or cry. I hope the memories become easier for both of us as time passes. I'm sure your brother knew, and
knows that you love him.


bgunny7...@aol.com wrote:
We buried my brother today. It was a nice military funeral. Mike was in the Navy back in the 60's. Anyway, I wanted to thenk each and every one of you who supported me. I thought about sending thank you nores individually, but they would have become repetetive after awhile, so I thought a blanket thank you would suffice. Ya know, we're all connected in one way or another, but as you get older, and people around you start to die off, it gets a little harder to take. Especiallt when they're your brother or sister, and they're younger than you. First, you're there when they're born, then you're there when they die. Everything starts to come back when family is around, and the memories sometime become overwhelming. In any case, my heat felt thanks goes out to all of you.
Semper Fi

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