Have not had that problem, but glad you are doing a lot better now.

From: "Kevin Wolfthal" <wolft...@optonline.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 10:07 PM
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] health stuff

Hi All,

Well, this has been a weird week for me re: health.

Tuesday night I started getting severe diarrhea. Shortly after that my
tongue started tingling and going numb, then my lips. This continued
wednesday, but I had a nurse coming to visit me to check on bedsores
on wednesday. She looked at my mouth but didn't feel the numbness was an emergency.
By thursday the numbness was getting worse so I took an ambulance to
the ER. They checked everything, blood, heart, liver, kidneys, ct-scan of brain, found
nothing wrong. Said it could be related to my reflux and possible reaction
to meds and OTC stomach meds I take. Also suggested it could be exacerbation of TM symptoms. Finally, maybe emotional causes. In any case, the weird numbness
is gone and I'm thankful. Has anyone else had their tongue/mouth go numb?

Hope everyone is doing well as possible.


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