Glad to hear you're back! It's amazing that you travelled so far! I'm sorry 
about the pneumonia bout though and I pray all is well now.
I myself have completed three legs of my journey. I'm off to Tobago to do some 
more scuba diving and some deep sea fishing out in the atlantic ocean. It's 
been exhilirating thus far, but the after effects are a bit too painful 
sometimes, but the good kind.....the kind that reminds you that you're alive. I 
have to try to remember to push myself to my personal limit and no further, but 
I guess when the adrenaline is pumping nothinng really matters and TM 
disappears if even only for a few minutes.
I know your trip was worth it and I know you pushed yourself too, so good for 
you! Congratulations! There is life after TM!
Subject: Re: [TMIC] forgot to say that I'm home
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 22:02:15 -0500

Glad you are home and that you had such a fun and 
successful trip.   Will be expecting more from you now!

From: Barbara Alma 
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 6:35 PM
Subject: [TMIC] forgot to say that I'm home

I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you all that I arrived safely home late on 
Friday, May 21st.  We managed to put 7608 miles on our van and 
enjoyed practically the entire trip.  It really was a great trip, and 
was almost without incident.  
With regard to health problems:  I fared really well, other than a 
bout of pneumonia and a night in the hospital in Colorado.  This sounds 
bad, but I have gotten pneumonia at 
home many times. It was worse getting it on the road, as it has 
taken me so much longer to recuperate than usual, so that's the worse 
part.  It also made the last week and a half of our trip a bummer, without 
much fun.  No gambling in Vegas since I couldn't handle the smoky casinos, 
but that probably saved me some money.  We managed to see 2 shows though. 
 I had about 7 days out of 46 of laying in bed, resting my back 
overall.  Not too bad, but they were spread out.
We managed to see family and friends that we hadn't seen in several years, 
did things that we didn't know existed, and went to states that we 
had planned on visiting, but didn't really know when we'd do it.  All 
this because our god-daughter planned her wedding.  So, right after this, 
I'm going to call her and thank her for planning her wedding and for us having 
the opportunity to push my inner thoughts into planning this wonderful 
trip.  She really didn't have any awareness of this when she planned it, 
but my mind started to wander, I only wondered if I could handle 
I wholehearted recommend to anyone who really wants to do any kind of a 
journey, whether it's a days drive or whatever, to give yourself the 
chance.  We stopped often, whenever I felt that I needed to, sometimes 
every hour, sometimes in 2 hours, but I did it.  We've done short trips in 
the past, and I did much better this time as it allowed for more relaxation 
since we had more time.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn 
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