Hi Priscilla,

Wow, I am so excited for you, and happy that you are going to see your 
daughter, even though there will be some challenges.  I am hopeful that even 
with the challenges that you will find that it will be very enjoyable for you.

It's great that you are planning to take it slowly.  It's really the best way, 
as you will enjoy yourself much more that way.  A 5 hr plane ride can be hard 
as you are stuck in such a small space, so do try to get up and walk up and 
down the aisle if you are able.  Let the flight attendant know when you board 
that it is important for you to do this due to circulation and they'll try to 
accommodate you.  They really don't like you moving about the plane any more 
than necessary, but we all know that it is important to move our bodies and not 
sit still for too long as it is very hard on our backs.  Same thing for the car 
ride.  You may want to stop at the half way point and stretch your legs, potty 
break, etc.  It makes for a much more enjoyable ride and you'll arrive in 
Branson in much better shape.

We actually saw 3 shows in Branson.  I would have liked to see more, but I 
needed to rest my back by that point so had a few days of down time.  There 
will be more shows available to you when you go than were for us, as we were 
there in mid April, which is off season.  The shows are nicely priced, so it 
makes it much more affordable than other places.  Since you will be there at a 
busier time and only 2 days, you may want to figure out what you'll see and 
then purchase your tickets ahead of time.  We found discounts on these sites, 
you may want to check them out.


Whatever you decide to do, just enjoy yourself.  You can always relax and 
recuperate once you get home.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Priscilla Keene <pkeen...@yahoo.com>
To: Barbara Alma <balmat...@aol.com>; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, May 29, 2010 11:20 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] forgot to say that I'm home

Hey Barbara,
I'm relieved to know you finally made it home.  You were gone a really long 
time!  I know it wasn't fun spending time in the hospital.  I leave next Tues. 
to go to KC (plane-5 hrs.) to my daughter's and on to Branson (car-4 hrs.) 
Thurs. and Fri. nights.  Did you stop in Branson to see some shows?

I know I'll be tired, but I plan to rest a lot and take it slow.  I'm in good 
health with limited walking so I'll take my wheel chair with me just in case.  
My worst problem is that my hands are paralyzed so I'm taking a friend with me 
to help me in the airports and getting on and off the planes.  I have a hard 
time climbing steps and at some airports where they don't have a jetway, they 
have to roll in a portable lift to get me up to the door.  That's awkward 
because I feel like everyone is watching me. 
Anyone live near KC?  It would be great meeting someone else with TM.  I 
haven't been on a vacation for 2 years, and I'm really excited.
Enjoy the holiday weekend and never forget those who served our country for our 
Peachy in sunny TN

From: Barbara Alma <balmat...@aol.com>
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, May 28, 2010 7:35:01 PM
Subject: [TMIC] forgot to say that I'm home

I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you all that I arrived safely home late on 
Friday, May 21st.  We managed to put 7608 miles on our van and enjoyed 
practically the entire trip.  It really was a great trip, and was almost 
without incident.  
With regard to health problems:  I fared really well, other than a bout of 
pneumonia and a night in the hospital in Colorado.  This sounds bad, but I have 
gotten pneumonia at home many times. It was worse getting it on the road, as it 
has taken me so much longer to recuperate than usual, so that's the worse part. 
 It also made the last week and a half of our trip a bummer, without much fun.  
No gambling in Vegas since I couldn't handle the smoky casinos, but that 
probably saved me some money.  We managed to see 2 shows though.  I had about 7 
days out of 46 of laying in bed, resting my back overall.  Not too bad, but 
they were spread out.
We managed to see family and friends that we hadn't seen in several years, did 
things that we didn't know existed, and went to states that we had planned on 
visiting, but didn't really know when we'd do it.  All this because our 
god-daughter planned her wedding.  So, right after this, I'm going to call her 
and thank her for planning her wedding and for us having the opportunity to 
push my inner thoughts into planning this wonderful trip.  She really didn't 
have any awareness of this when she planned it, but my mind started to wander, 
I only wondered if I could handle it.  
I wholehearted recommend to anyone who really wants to do any kind of a 
journey, whether it's a days drive or whatever, to give yourself the chance.  
We stopped often, whenever I felt that I needed to, sometimes every hour, 
sometimes in 2 hours, but I did it.  We've done short trips in the past, and I 
did much better this time as it allowed for more relaxation since we had more 

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

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