Please tell Jude we are praying for her and David, She has been such a big part 
of the TM network and has given us all great advice and has been so 
I hope and pray she is doing well and can find some type of peace from the pain 
she has been in
If you do see her tell her she has a lot of support and prayers her way

--- On Wed, 7/21/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)
To: "tmic" <>
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 9:23 PM

I talked with Jude's husband, David, this evening after receiving a message 
from him that she is in a hospice program.   David said she went to a hospice 
"camp" for ten days and came home feeling better last week.  Then she woke up 
during her first night home with a headache and has "gone down hill from there".

David said Jude has not been talkative lately, but I asked if I could visit 
with her tomorrow just to sit with her.  I'm planning to visit in the afternoon.

The last time I heard from Jude was the message that she sent "Does anyone 
remember Jude?"  

Patti - Michigan

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