John, it is understandable to feed a "Loss" for what we once "Had" depression 
is one of the hardest things to admit for me (now on Cymbalta). I have tried to 
stay up beat and happy but have days that I just want to sleep and forget TM 
came into my life. But after joining this site I have come to realize I had to 
learn to depend on others, and use friends on this site for support. We all 
have different symptoms from TM but also a lot of us have the same. We are all 
in this together and no topic or question is off limits. We are here for each 
other for support, encouragement and questions. 
--- On Tue, 7/27/10, Janice Nichols <> wrote:

From: Janice Nichols <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] good to see posts
To: "john snodgrass" <>, "transverse myelitis" 
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 8:23 AM

Have you just found this website?    I am not familiar with your name.    
Regardless, we welcome you with open arms!   
You are right, the depression from TM is not clinical/chemical, it is the 
isolation felt from having such a rare disease and your life as you have always 
know it,
taken from you.     Those are 2 big hits that have left most of us on some kind 
of medication for depression.    I take Zoloft.
Faith and good humor are huge assets, along with determination to improve as 
far as possible.
How has TM left you physically?   Can you walk, or do you use a wheelchair?    
Do you have family support?           You are under no obligation to answer 
questions, we all just have a pretty good idea of each other's situation 
through conversations like this.    Some people like to stay more private.     
we welcome any comments, questions, etc.        
Hope to hear from you, Janice from Missouri

From: john snodgrass 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 6:49 AM
To: transverse myelitis 
Subject: [TMIC] good to see posts

it is good to see emails from this list.

having been over 2 years with TM there have been times of depression that I 
have never experienced even with the depression you have with the death of 
loved ones.

I did read of this depression, I think it was on the ninds website, and 
understood it when it happened.

I just determined that it was not clinical and decided to go to sleep. when  i 
woke up it was gone.

My Neurologist said my faith and good humor would be instrumental in my 

He is determined that i will.

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