Last weekend I worked on turning change into money. It is irksome that people do not treat change as money. I had tried to convince my aide, who had gotten static from the big grocery store's cashiers, that it was ridiculous to duck her head and be apologetic about presenting REAL Money.

Was she apologetic when presenting other clients' food stamps? No she said because
it was a plastic card that is slid through.

Well, i countered, in a time of unemployment and uncertainty, she was not to take any guff for giving them hard cash. If they had a problem, have them call me. This is still legal tender in the U.S.

Dear Gerry, your wondrous plastic holders made it more palatable for her to present the change. Though (sigh) despite the fact that i wrote down how much each roll held and how much it added up to, i still spent an inordinate amount of time explaining and reexplaining. 35 x 5= 1.75 and
10 of them is $17.50.....  but progress was made!

Thank you so much Gerry as thus far I've bundled up about $100 worth of change --- nearly two week's groceries, which has eased my economic constriction a bit. I treated myself to organic cocoa, a quart of goat's milk and a container of hummus. These little plastic things are wonderful!!!!!!!

Thank you for hearing my cry of frustration and need and answering it. Bless you!


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