
Please know that you're in our thoughts and prayers!  You've
put up a great fight, but now it's time to let Mike go.......there's
no need for him to endure more pain! He knows how much you've loved him, done 
for him and that you're in pain, too...just being
with him through out this illness.
I remember seeing/meeting you at the meeting in Seattle, '99.
You two were so cute together.....please keep the good thoughts
with you and let go of the suffering you've had to share during
this illness.
I hope you can take up on Carol's offer!  She will be a great
help to you.

Hugs, janh

From: Jill Hammond <3jmhamm...@clearwire.net>
To: d...@excellentsite.com; Anna & Jim <jnawil...@roadrunner.com>; Annie 
<annielyman1...@yahoo.com>; Becky & Steve <mcsmi...@adelphia.net>; Beth & Greg 
<g...@comcast.net>; Bob & Beverly <b.doerfl...@gmail.com>; Boyd 
<b...@boydbryant.com>; Carole Matteson <carolematte...@hotmail.com>; Char 
<charsreti...@hotmail.com>; Cheryl Hammond <i...@todaydata.com>; Cindy Dunn 
<cdunn53...@aol.com>; Craig & Candi <bur...@comcast.net>; Craig Fiore 
<cr...@ultra5.eskimo.com>; fi...@dhs.gov; David and Patty Brooks 
<blueba...@verizon.net>; David Gay <raega...@yahoo.com>; Dennis & Pam 
<burpee...@msn.com>; Earl Fordham <earl.ford...@gmail.com>; Elaine Boos 
<elaineb...@bellsouth.net>; Eric & Eri <ericshamm...@hotmail.com>; Fred & Susan 
<graceann1...@charter.net>; Gil & Mari <cdav...@dc.rr.com>; James Fulmer 
<jedi...@gmail.com>; Jan Hlavaty-LaPosa <janet.hlavaty-lap...@dhs.gov>; Jim and 
Bobbi <jimbobk...@msn.com>; Johanna <mjber...@verizon.net>; Judy & Karl 
<romocharlo...@hotmail.com>; Keenan <kee...@seattlegeek.net>; Kendra 
<kwa...@comcast.net>; Lenny Lisa <len.l...@verizon.net>; Lisa 
<l...@lisalundt.com>; Lynn & Jade <lynn.mari...@pfpa.mil>; Mari 
<wordfromwis...@smtel.com>; marie swanson <swansonbythe...@comcast.net>; Mica 
Ward <m...@detech.net>; Mike & Nancy <mmccallis...@soundandsea.com>; Nancy 
<npurcell1...@yahoo.com>; Noah <n...@noahconrad.com>; Pat Allegretti 
<paa...@gmail.com>; Pat and Corky <pjgren...@hotmail.com>; Pat Doebele 
<grandmap...@comcast.net>; Pat Massey <patrick.mas...@dhs.gov>; Paula 
<paula.lazz...@attachmate.com>; PJ <pjn...@yahoo.com>; Ron 
<ron.brook...@att.net>; Sally <sa...@bsorenson.com>; Sarah Bell-Schell 
<maeb...@vandals.uidaho.edu>; Scott Hamilton <scotthamil...@live.com>; Sharon & 
Steve <pianica...@comcast.net>; Sheri Meyer <sheme...@cisco.com>; Steve & Gail 
<crescentc...@nwi.net>; Steve and Jo <stevejojohn...@msn.com>; Susan & Ted Roth 
<susanema...@mchsi.com>; Tmic <tmic-list@eskimo.com>; Tom & Deb 
vanessa Quinn <vanessa.qu...@dhs.gov>; Wayne <wme...@ci.everett.wa.us>; Zsolt & 
Patty <zdor...@comcast.net>
Sent: Wed, August 25, 2010 5:43:39 PM
Subject: [TMIC] update on Mike

Hello Family and Friends,
Our meeting last week with the Oncologist brought us very sad and shocking 
news.  Mike’s cancer is not only back, but in the brain and spinal cord.  It is 
inoperable and the doctor’s best guess was that he would have anywhere from 2 
weeks to 2 months.  The only positive thing about this news was that Mike was 
too disoriented to understand what was going on.  We came home and called in 
Hospice to help us through our ordeal.
Hospice came last Friday for the evaluation and to set Mike up on comfort only 
drugs.  By Sunday, I was unable to get Mike out of bed, even with help, and 
another call to Hospice brought a delivery of a hospital bed and accessories.  
By Monday, Mike was not speaking other than incoherent mumbling, except for an 
occasional name of Jill, Janel or Joel.  Today (Wednesday) Mike is unresponsive 
and it is clear from the Hospice nurse that he won’t last more than 24 hours, 
that, before he has left us for a better place.  

Had I known that things were going to transpire this fast, I would have sent a 
letter out sooner, but we are all still in shock that we have had barely a week 
since the news of his setback.  Too soon, we are having to say our goodbyes.
Please keep Mike in your hearts and prayers that he may go swiftly and easily. 
Love and peace,
The Hammond Team  

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