I'm so sorry to hear that. I will pray for your family.

--- On Tue, 8/17/10, Jill Hammond <3jmhamm...@clearwire.net> wrote:

From: Jill Hammond <3jmhamm...@clearwire.net>
Subject: [TMIC] Update on Mike
To: "Anna & Jim " <jnawil...@roadrunner.com>, "Annie " 
<annielyman1...@yahoo.com>, "Becky & Steve" <mcsmi...@adelphia.net>, "Beth & 
Greg" <g...@comcast.net>, "Bob & Beverly " <b.doerfl...@gmail.com>, "'Boyd'" 
<b...@boydbryant.com>, "Carole Matteson" <carolematte...@hotmail.com>, "Char 
Brower" <charsreti...@hotmail.com>, "Cheryl Hammond" <i...@todaydata.com>, 
"Cindy Dunn" <cdunn53...@aol.com>, "Craig & Candi" <bur...@comcast.net>, 
"'Craig Fiore'" <cr...@ultra6.eskimo.com>, fi...@dhs.gov, "'David and Patty 
Brooks'" <blueba...@verizon.net>, "'David Gay'" <raega...@yahoo.com>, "Dennis & 
Pam" <burpee...@msn.com>, "'Earl Fordham'" <earl.ford...@gmail.com>, "Elaine 
Boos" <elaineb...@bellsouth.net>, "Eric & Eri" <ericshamm...@hotmail.com>, 
"Fred & Susan" <graceann1...@charter.net>, "Gil & Mari" <cdav...@dc.rr.com>, 
"'James Fulmer'" <jedi...@gmail.com>, "Jan Hlavaty-LaPosa " 
<janet.hlavaty-lap...@dhs.gov>, "Jim and Bobbi " <jimbobk...@msn.com>, "Johanna 
 <mjber...@verizon.net>, "Judy & Karl" <romocharlo...@hotmail.com>, "Keenan" 
<kee...@seattlegeek.net>, "Kendra " <kwa...@comcast.net>, "Lenny Lisa" 
<len.l...@verizon.net>, "Lisa " <l...@lisalundt.com>, "Lynn & Jade" 
<lynn.mari...@pfpa.mil>, "Mari & Gary" <wordfromwis...@smtel.com>, "marie 
swanson" <swansonbythe...@comcast.net>, "'Mica Ward'" <m...@detech.net>, "Mike 
& Nancy" <mmccallis...@soundandsea.com>, "Nancy" <npurcell1...@yahoo.com>, 
"Noah " <n...@noahconrad.com>, "Pat Allegretti" <paa...@gmail.com>, "Pat and 
Corky" <pjgren...@hotmail.com>, "Pat Doebele" <grandmap...@comcast.net>, "Pat 
Massey " <patrick.mas...@dhs.gov>, "Paula " <paula.lazz...@attachmate.com>, "PJ 
" <pjn...@yahoo.com>, "Ron " <ron.brook...@att.net>, "'Sally'" 
<sa...@bsorenson.com>, "Sarah Bell-Schell " <maeb...@vandals.uidaho.edu>, 
"'Scott Hamilton'" <scotthamil...@live.com>, "Sharon & Steve " 
<pianica...@comcast.net>, "'Sheri Meyer'" <sheme...@cisco.com>, "Steve & Gail "
 <crescentc...@nwi.net>, "Steve and Jo" <stevejojohn...@msn.com>, "Susan & Ted 
Roth" <susanema...@mchsi.com>, "Tmic" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>, "Tom & Deb " 
<t...@ddoel.com>, "'vanessa Quinn'" <vanessa.qu...@dhs.gov>, "Wayne " 
<wme...@ci.everett.wa.us>, "Zsolt & Patty" <zdor...@comcast.net>
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 11:16 AM

Hello Family and Friends,
Sorry to send this information over mass email, but it’s the fastest way to 
keep everyone informed.  Over the last couple of weeks, Mike has been very 
disoriented, sleeping a lot and losing weight. The MRI test that he had earlier 
this week indicates that the cancer has spread to the brain.  We are meeting 
w/the Oncologist today and hopefully get more answers and find out what our 
course of treatment will be. I’ll keep you informed as soon as we can.   Keep 
us in your prayers….Love, The Hammond Team  


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