it states that it is good

--- On Tue, 8/31/10, Dalton Garis <> wrote:

From: Dalton Garis <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Magnesia Phosphorica
To: "john snodgrass" <>, "Carol E" <>
Cc: "transverse myelitis" <>
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 11:40 PM

I can’t make anything out of this article;

Is it saying it is good or that it causes all these symptoms?


From: john snodgrass <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 13:48:50 -0700 (PDT)
To: Carol E <>
Cc: transverse myelitis <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Magnesia Phosphorcia
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 13:48:49 -0700

found this on wild search:

Late Professor of Materia Medica in Hering College, Chicago.
Presented by Dr Robert Séror
Magnesia Phosphorica 
Magnesia phos. is best known for its spasmodic conditions and neuralgias.
The pains: are very violent and may affect any nerve. A pain localizes itself 
in a nerve and becomes worse and worse, sometimes coming in paroxysms, but 
becoming so violent that the patient becomes frantic.
The pains are ameliorated by heat and pressure. The patient feels better in a 
warm place; and his neuralgias are also better, he is miserable, and his pains 
are brought on when he becomes cold or is in a cold place. Pains are brought on 
from riding in the cold, and in cold, damp weather. Exposure for a long time to 
cold winds causes neuralgia of the face,
The pains are felt everywhere. Pain in the bowels, enteralgias, cramps in the 
stomach and bowels, with the same modalities. Pains in the spinal cord under 
the same rule - amelioration from heat. There are times when a nerve, in which 
there is considerable pain, becomes sensitive to pressure, becomes sore. The 
spinal cord becomes sore.
Convulsions, with stiffness of the limbs. Convulsions in adults or children, 
followed by extreme sensitiveness to touch, to wind, to noise, to excitement, 
to everything. Such convulsions, as children have during dentition. Colic; 
three months'colic, cramps, bilious colic.
But the special feature is its power to debilitate, to cause irritation of the 
nerves and muscles. Cramps from prolonged exertion. Stiffness numbness, 
awkwardness and deadness of a nerve from prolonged exertion.
Fingers: Thus it applies to long use of the hands and fingers in writing, and 
gives a fair sample of writer's cramp. It is especially useful in the cramps 
that come in the fingers, from writing, playing instruments and piano practice.
Pianists suddenly break down, with stiffness of the fingers, after several 
hours' labor every day for years. The fingers give out. In playing the harp a 
cramp comes on and the fingers cannot perform their use. Other parts are 
affected in the same way from prolonged exertion. A laborer's hand will 
sometimes cramp and become almost useless. As soon as he undertakes to do that 
particular thing his hand cramps and he clutches the implement or loses hold. 
The carpenter after prolonged use of a tool has a cramp. This is a strong 
feature of the remedy in all sorts of over-exertion.
Violent cramps in dysentery and cholera morbus, that make him scream out. 
Twitching of the muscles all over the body, as in cholera. It was Schüessler's 
main remedy for chorea, but we can only use it by its proving. Schüessler 
prescribed it in all nervous conditions, but its proving justifies its use in 
neuralgia ameliorated by heat and pressure, cramps and twitchings.
Shooting pains along the nerves, but these are not so common as violent pains 
in paroxysms - a tearing pain as if the nerve were inflamed and put on a 
stretch. Shaking as in paralysis agitans and complaints resembling it. 
Amelioration from heat and pressure, and aggravation from cold, cold bathing, 
cold winds, cold weather, lack of clothing. Pains all over, but more likely 
pain located in one part.
Mind: The mental symptoms have not been brought out to any extent. It has been 
used clinically when diarrheas have ceased suddenly and brain troubles have 
come on. Congestion of the brain, but this is clinical.
Head: Neuralgia and rheumatic headaches ameliorated by heat. Excruciating 
pains. Violent attacks of headache ameliorated by hard pressure, heat and in 
the dark.
I have seen this mitigation of the symptoms in chronic congestive headache, 
when the face was red and there was throbbing, almost like Bell .; those 
headaches give way to Magnesia phos., when there is relief by heat and 
pressure. He wants the head. bandaged with a tight-fitting cloth, a warm room, 
and he is aggravated by cold.
Eyes: Spasms and jerking about the eyes, or prolonged tonic spasms producing a 
strabismus. Violent supra and infra-orbital pains with amelioration from heat 
and pressure. It has cured more face-aches than other pains.
Face: Neuralgia of the face, worse on the right side, and ameliorated by heat 
and pressure, and aggravated by cold. Tic douloureux. Chronic jerkings of the 
face. It favors rheumatic and, gouty subjects who suffer with neuralgia. It is 
a wonderful remedy for spasmodic hiccoughing. I have sometimes given Magnesia 
phos. for hiccoughing when I could not get any other symptoms to describe on.
Stomach and abdomen: Pain at the pit of the stomach. Spasms of the stomach with 
clean tongue. Colic ameliorated by doubling up, like Coloc., and ameliorated by 
The colic is not so markedly relieved by heat in Coloc., but is relieved by 
pressure. Distension of the abdomen and flatulence, with much pain. Radiating 
pains in the abdomen. Compelled to walk and groan from pain. Meteorism. It is 
said to cure cows of this condition. Colchicum will cure cows when they are 
distended with gas after being turned into clover patches.
Cutting, darting pains in hemorrhoids. If well proved we would probably have 
many liver symptoms, because both Magnes. and Phos. have liver symptoms.
Violent pains in acute rheumatism, ameliorated by heat. Neuralgic pains in the 
limbs. Rest relieves many complaints, and the least motion brings them on. 
Pains changing place.

Copyright © Robert Séror 2000
Mise en page Copyright © Sylvain Cazalet 2000 

--- On Tue, 8/31/10, Carol E <> wrote:

From: Carol E <>
Subject: [TMIC] Magnesia Phosphorcia
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 12:04 PM

magnesia phosphorica:  So is this homeopathic wonder a cure all for all that 
ails you?  I don't mean that to be sarcastic, but curious who has used it and 
for what ailments.
I am going to Mayo Clinic Sept 13.  For something that is not suppose to 
progress (TM), something sure has progressed to my originally unaffected leg.  
Neurologist at Northwestern Memorial in Chicago is baffled, and still says it 
is not MS.  It's been 5 years since the onset of my TM lesion from T7-T10.  

Carol in Addison, IL

Worrying does not empty 
tomorrow of its troubles;
It empties today of its strengths. 


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