Hi Friends,

Well, we're having another heatwave here in the northeast (CT), after almost winter weather
a few weeks ago, weird.

I've been trying some new things to try to feel 'human' again, and pull myself out of my depression. I started on the anti-depressant Lexapro about 3 weeks ago. No noticeable change yet, but I know it can take several weeks. At least no bad side effects like I had with Lyrica and Cymbalta.

I'm also getting physical therapy at home three days a week, which is kicking my butt, (fatigue, pain), and will be starting occupational therapy for my hands. Last week, my BP was low, and still is in the 100/60 area. Before that it was 120/70. I am treated for high BP and have a call in to my doctor about
this. Maybe it has to do with PT after being sedentary for so long?

Anyway, I'm trying to be proactive about things..not easy for me.

Wishing you all the best.

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