Since disability payments are based on SSA quarters reported;

Some of us, who only got good jobs later in life, will not get very much at
all if we go on disability.


From: Barbara Alma <>
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 23:05:51 -0400
To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 20:06:14 -0700

If I could have continued working after TM I would have.  It does take a
high hit on your finances when you stop working and go on disability.  It's
great that it is there if need be, but in my mind, nothing beats working
until you are ready to stop by choice.  The doctor may however, feel that it
is taking a heavy toll on you, which if it is, then it is something to
Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-----Original Message-----
From: john snodgrass <>
To: Janice Nichols <>
Cc: transverse myelitis <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 1:40 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

I am going to fight this thing as long as i can without stoping working.
if i go on disability i will get @ 1400 a month if i am lucky.
thats opposed to the @3000 i get working.
still paying for my home.

From: Janice Nichols <>
To: john snodgrass <>; Janet Dunn <>
Cc: transverse myelitis <>
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 4:09:59 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

I have stopped going to my neuro.   If there is a change, or something I
don't understand, I will go back.     He just did not have anything new for
me - either
meds or advice.     My meds now come from my family doctor - who was right
with me all the 9 weeks in the hospital calling in specialists for each
that developed.   Also, my other  meds come from my Pain Management Doc who
has been very helpful.    At this point, I really don't need a neuro.
John, why not disability?     You are in pain quite a bit.   I don't know
how old you are, but I could understand doing it.

From: john snodgrass <>
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:57 PM
To: Janet Dunn <>
Cc: transverse myelitis <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

it really bothers me to hear of these instances of people not getting to the
Dr or having to travel vast distances and wait times when I can go to my
family Dr on a whim and my neurologist works at the same place as my
sister-n-law and is always asking about me and making sure i have
appointments every 3 months.
however,,,,,,going to the Dr doesnt make me any better than i would be if i
didnt go at all now.
I just get my scripts on time and they watch for other things i reckon.
(depression talking)
as for working,my boss and superintendant allow me to work but keep
suggesting that i go on disability.
so does my Dr's.
one of my Dr's is a senator in this state and told me today that should i
ever not be able to go on that he would go to bat for me.
thought that was interesting.
I still dont understand why a dr is a senator or why is a senator is a
His name is Ron D Stollings
as for hydrocodone,,,,i read on one of the med-sites that if you take 2
tylenol with the hydrocodone that it will do better than either one of them
by themselves.So I did,and it does.
then you have the extended use of acetaminophen effect that might eat your
liver or something.
Pill time,,,bye bye.

From: Janet Dunn <>
To: transverse myelitis <>
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 10:59:59 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Medications

Hello to all
I find it very interesting the number of us that are on or have taken
hydrocodone, especially when it is ³said² that opoids do not help with the
pain of TM
For me personally, I wouldn¹t make it if I didn¹t have a member or two of
the hydrocodone family in my drug repertoire.   I take 20mg  or 40mg of long
acting  HCL in the morning, depending on the legs, and have perocdan as a
filler for the day.  I also take Lyrica, Effexor, Wellbutrin and baclofen.
Even today, after 2 days of working 8 hours, and moving around and doing
housework, I hurt.  I want to lay in bed.  But . . . just like the rest of
us . . . duty and life are calling.
I really appreciate the medication information simply because I live so far
away from the nearest neurologist, and the wait time is up to a year, if we
can get in at all.  Then we must travel either 400 miles out of province, or
850 miles to Vancouver.  So the information on here is absolutely priceless.
However, you cannot have my MasterCard!  ;)
From: john snodgrass [mailto:]
Sent: September 8, 2010 2:09 PM
To: Rev. Craig Crossman
Cc: transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neurologist visit
I have been taking gabapentin 400mg  for the last 2 years 3 times a day.
some people say that they can take 1 and it knocks them out. i have never
experienced that. perhaps because of the extreem pain.
I also take hydrocodone,baclofen, and lorazepam.


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