Yes, I used to feel that way, I really did.  However, I took about 3 years
of Rolfing and or Massage Therapy treatments - and some of them were very
painful.  That really helped my legs feel and work better.  In fact, I
attribute my current ability to walk very well most days to all of the
treatments I took.  

It did cost a bundle, and it did hurt a ton.  However, now I don't have that
feeling, I can walk quite well, and my right side seems to feel better.
Although it has been 6 months since my last massage, and I can feel the
"thing" in my body starting to reach it's tendrils out again and begin to
strangle my leg and torso.  Time to get going again on the massage thing.
We have lost our best rolfer in town, and I am hesitant to try to find
another - simply because the treatment is very intense and personal.

Try massage, or as has been suggested already - stretching exercises;  if
you don't use it, somehow, you will lose it.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: September 10, 2010 7:57 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

My right leg seemed to suffer more then left. I was wondering... I got tm in
07. Over last months intense pain and can't sleep on right side my right leg
seems to be getting shorter. Has this happened to anyone ? Is this from TM ?

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