disoriented from fatigue understood perfectly!

----- Original Message ----
From: Akua <a...@artfarm.com>
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, September 21, 2010 4:29:52 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Neuro Visit today

hell to be up so early. I was unable to sleep before 4 something am and awoke 
8 to get out of bed at 8:30 am  to wash and be dressed by 10 for the bus that 
came at 10:30 for the 11 am appointment.

Six weeks without meds for the ravaging pain. You don't have to apologize the 
bus guy said. Yes I do, thanking him for his kindness after the Dr.'s office 
told him it would only be a half hour and I was there for an hour and twenty 
Purple pen, pad, crochet hook and yarn helped me wait for $500 attention.
She wrote a script for Marinol and hopefully my naltrexone will arrive in a 
couple of days from the city--
there's no place reasonable closer.  The pharmacy in Canandaigua charges twice 
as much, the one in PA charges three times as much (60 vs twenty) to grind up 
one pill to make my many.

I'm disoriented from fatigue.

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