Dear tmfamily,


I have deleted every piece of mail since 9/16, as I have spent the last

2 weeks in the hospital......I fell the night of 9/16, went to hospital 9/17

had surgery 9/18 and went to rehab 9/19.  The surgery placed pins

in my rigtht ankle which I broke on both sides.  Am home as of Sat 10/2

and most happy to be here........I'm tired and only moving by wheelchair

which will  be replaced by scooter  next week. I deleted more than 1700

emails, which included all from youall.......I'll catch up with what's going on

as I gain strength.


This is not all bad news.  I've not shared what's been happening to me

since that time I had an illness, not flu,but flu-like.  My doc

said it most likely was a virus that would wear out in time.  I was down 

long enough that I began to lose some of my mobility. On the other hand

I began to regain feelings that hadn't been there since tm came to stay (19996).  I wondered if the pains I began to have were there all along, but I couldn't feel them.  As I lost more mobility, I came to depend more and more on my 4 prong and my walker.  My walker was part of reason I broke my ankle........that and my clumsiness!!


With rehab I have begun to regain the strength I'll need to become a member of walking wounded again.  Home Care, esp.p.t., will continue for at least next 60 days.



This is all for now, it's taken two sessions to get this written..........later.......


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