It was 6 years for me in April.  I do pretty well most of the time but when my 
symptoms get worse, it can be hard to be positive.  I have had increased 
numbness & weakness in my hands  that now sometimes goes into my arms & the 
fatigue is back with a vengence, but  I try to live with it.  There is no use 
calling the nuerologist -he just says I am worse, orders another MRI & then 
calls saying the MRI is improving (???).  I miss most being able to using my 
hands easily - I used to do all kinds of crafts -  crossstitch, scraping 
, & sewing - it is almost impossible now.  I had to retire from a wonderful 
job.  I hate having to ask for help with things.  So much for the pitty party - 
I try to remember NOT why God did this to me , but why he did this FOR me - 
there has to be a purpose. 
Linda E. - Texas  

From: "" <>
Sent: Wed, October 6, 2010 9:49:10 AM
Subject: [TMIC] 6th anniversary

>   It's been 15 yrs for me,and I still mourn for the losses. Not all the 
>time,but it is especially sad for me around this time of year. Good old 
>affective disorder;It gets dark earlier. Plus,this week has been rainy and 
>gloomy,so that has me down.
>   The hardest part for me is that unless you have tm,you don't "get it". The 
>unrelenting tiredness,burning pain,numbness,tingling,tightness,etc. My sister 
>once said she "couldn't stand to have the numbness all the time." I said there 
>isn't a choice,it's reality,and you learn to accept it.
>   I thank God for the TMIC;I'd be adrift in a sea of loneliness without all 
>   Cheryl in rainy (again) Easthampton,MA
>--- On Wed, 10/6/10, <> 
>>From: <>
>>Subject: [TMIC] 10-06-04, the 6th anniversary TM came into my life.
>>To: "TMIC" <>
>>Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 3:10 AM
>>10-06-04, today is the 6th anniversary TM (Transverse Myelits) came into my 
>>life. I live in Atlanta and was on a business trip to Dallas .  I would have 
>>never thought that waking up; putting my feet on the ground one Wednesday 
>>morning would have changed my life so much.  I would like to say is thank you 
>>my husband Brian, my rock that keeps me grounded. I could not have made it 
>>this without him by my side and support. To God for bringing Brian into my 
>>24 years ago, and to friends and family and my extended TM family that have 
>>stuck by me regardless of what this spinal cord disease has thrown at me. 
>>There are days that it seems like it’s been forever and I can not remember 
>>walking, running, riding a bike, ect and days that it seems like I just woke 
>>and realized life as I knew it would never be the same. I still have days I 
>>mourn for the loss of the life style I had but at the same time blessed at 
>>much appreciation for life has been given me. I know I am blessed that this 
>>disease did leave me one good leg that I can use a walker for short distances 
>>around the house, but need a wheel chair for distance/public use. By reading 
>>many TM stories on this site I do not feel as alone with the pain, 
>>and just plain old bad days as I read other stories and puts my issues back 
>>Thanks again to my TM family for always being there and sometimes that extra 
>>kick in the rear when the pity party starts! 
>>So a journey in life began, but the adventure continues 
>>Love and bless you all 
>> TM T-10 

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