Wow! Sounds like you found a keeper!

> Laura
> --NOT just another blog!
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Janice Nichols <>wrote:
>> Akua,
>> Finally you are getting the help you need and deserve.   That is truly
>> wonderful.   I have a feeling your life is about
>> to turn around and be much more pleasant for you.     Wonderful!
>> Janice
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Akua" <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2:17 PM
>> To: <>
>> Subject: [TMIC] Dr. Visit Brings Hope
>>  This is the first time in 4 years that I have spoken to a medical
>>> professional who understood
>>> everything, it seemed.
>>> Let's begin with access: his nursed pushed me along the carpet --- carpet
>>> is a shoulder buster and most folks just watch me ache and struggle.
>>> His office had a table that i could transfer to. First one I've seen in
>>> four years.
>>> He ordered tests no one had suggested:
>>> bone density
>>> pulmonary function
>>> ultrasound of kidneys
>>> because  sitting in a char affects all of these
>>> When i pulled out the STANDER literature he praised me-- yes that was
>>> something he envisioned me using to prevent osteo_____ something.
>>> I told him about the Flexiciser, he waited for me to follow him (uber
>>> points for that, too, treating me
>>> like I am a grown up who can go from point a to b) and showed me
>>> something VERY similar,
>>> a leg moving machine.
>>> Then show me the heated hydro therapy pool that i could lowered into---
>>> if i could get transport there, which i can't with regularity SOOOOOOOOO he
>>> said our goal is to get me driving
>>> and help me transfer into my car....
>>>  Why don't all doctors have dentist chair type tables? In that they go
>>> low enough for someone
>>> from a wheelchair could possibly get on.
>>> He said where we are is backwards and that he had brought that table with
>>> him.
>>> I think i love this guy-- who SHOOK MY HAND.
>>> which just reminded me how i have not been treated well at all, but maybe
>>> this time
>>> I can really be on the road to help and healing.
>>> He praised  me and celebrated me saying he was delighted to have a
>>> patient who was motivated.
>>> He had read my file and knew i was a vegetarian and fodd conscious and so
>>> understood my desire
>>> to lose weight was about raising metabolism, not  telling me about not
>>> eating stuff that hasn't touched my lips for 40 years.
>>> I left with 3 appointments already set up for me--- this has never
>>> happened before....
>>> my last blood test was at my OWN insistence.  I think I've found a REAL
>>> My bus driver, who I like a lot (but hadn't been getting because his firm
>>> declined
>>> medical rides for a time) knew this doctor and also praised him.
>>> Akua
>>> --

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