Akua, I want to share some of the situations I have run into that are similar to yours and many others I know. I do know there are ways to adjust to some of them. Please don't get ticked and delete my message. I am involved in some ad hoc committees relative to transportation, low/med cost housing, universal design etc. I am a T-10 complete para who is unable to stand, walk, or do anything besides sit in my wheelchair, drive, my many non profit activities, etc.

1. and 2. $460,000 does not even begin to cover the items you said. There is something terrifically wrong with that amount to cover the items you listed. It is way, way too low! I'm not sure, not knowing the demographic of your area that the additional monies is even close to what is needed.

I'm just QUOTING there from official sources.

3, If the regular transit buses have lifts, etc for wheelchairs, is the state or federal law that depends on the route to the regular bus route inaccessible? If not, then, as here in CA we have to get to the bus route on our own. No door to door pick up if we are close to the regular bus line. Buses are accessible.

Your infrastructure is so developed to even have these considerations!!!! I live in Northern Applachia and am in/ under the Applachian Regional commission. Little did I know until TM paralyzed me, how

4. When you hit item #4 you are skipping off of transportation and looking at looking at housekeeping etc. We have to be realistic and remember that just because we are disabled we are not entitled to all the rights that other groups of people would also benefit from

Actually deliberately ! So that they understand the SCOPE OF THEIR CITIZENRY. One out of every five people in my area are disabled and there is no paratransit!

#7 Be specific when making an appt for whatever reason that there is either a table that adjust higher or lower to allow you to transfer. Or make very, very sure the person you are making the appt with knows you are in a wheelchair and standing is not an option. This has been a great problem for me, but I insist they bring in a crew to transfer me to the exam table.

Now this is IRKSOME because you presume I haven't. This turns me off, so I'm not responding any further. You obviously haven't read or paid attention to anything else I've shared or discussed here over the several years.

8. Here is CA it is our responsibility that we have the blue markings for handicap parking. However, I don't think it requires the cut outs to adjust to our specific needs...we all are different. The local police are not always responsive, but where I live, a $400 ticket, plus the
loss of the handicap placard is pretty expensive.
#9. Keep bugging these folks of what needs to be done. One or two phone calls don't do it. Plug their numbers where you can easily call at least once a week and make sure they know your know. Always be pleasant.

KEEP PLUGGING ALONG AND DON'T GIVE UP. I HAVE SEEN SOME REMARKABLE CHANGES WHERE I LIVE BECAUSE WE KEEP ON WORKING. Also see if you can get involved with an indepentent living center. They work on all these issues.

And Akua, try and keep a positive attitude. It works almost more than anything.

 ----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:a...@artfarm.com>Akua
To: <mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 7:14 PM
Subject: [TMIC] OT:Asking My Politician for Help

Asked my politician for help.
I put together, from conversations I've had here a great list
that summarizes and concretizes some of my thoughts
on my situation:

Here's what I think about:

In March Chemung County was awarded "$460,000 to Purchase 1 40ft. Bus and Scheduling Software from funding for 191 new Recovery Act transit projects in 42 states and Puerto Rico that will help transform the nation's infrastructure and support thousands of jobs across the country."

WETM-TV announced that Chemung was just awarded another million dollars for transportation."Elmira, N.Y. - Chemung County was has been notified by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that they will receive up to $ 1.1 million in FTA funding to rehabilitate the bus garage, purchase fare collection equipment and replace buses for the Chemung County Transit System.

The County will utilize $500,000 of the funds to rehabilitate parts of its maintenance facility and to replace its fare collection system. Many components of the facility, such as bus lifts, electrical wiring and lighting, and overhead doors, will be replaced. The County is also proposing to replace its fare collection equipment. The current equipment dates back to 1998 and does not have the ability to sell tickets or count fares. The system will be upgraded to a read/write swipe card system. In a second project, the County use $600,000 to replace old buses and a supervisory vehicle.

Chemung County Executive Tom Santulli stated, "In a recent survey, four out of every ten bus passengers said they use our system to get to and from work. They rely on the bus system to keep their jobs. Our grant application spoke to our residents' needs. Chemung County was one out of only six systems statewide to receive this discretionary funding."

Yet we have no transportation of our own in Corning and no paratransit.

Why doesn't Steuben County have anyone of vision like Tom Santulli?

Why are we so bereft?

Chemung County has been contracted to provide transportation for

Steuben County and Corning

Paratransit Vehicle costs:


for instance

fully reconditioned wheelchair shuttle bus $22,500 2004

It's ironic that there's no paratransit here, yet  a successful manufacturer

of paratransit buses operates in Penn Yann!



1. 20.5% of  Steuben County is disabled

2. There is no viable public transportation in my county.

3. There is no paratransit in my county.

4. <http://www.disabledinaction.org/census_stats.html>http://www.disabledinaction.org/census_stats.html 18% of America is disabled

5. Medicaid has enabled many to profit and set artificially high prices for services that those who are neither wealthy nor desperately poor can afford (eg $50/hour for a home aide in an area where the median household income is$35, 479 and per capita $18,197 so who can afford help?!!)

7. The four story multicity block clinic has NOT ONE accessible examination table. Guthrie's Board of Directors has ignored my letters.

8. The ramp to the front of my house, put in by so called experts, does not meet ADA standards and is too steep for me to navigate alone, so I can't use my front entrance anymore -- unless assisted. The BBB did nothing about or to the vendor.

9. My congressman quit, but neither he, my mayor, my county officials, the State DOT, nor my city council has responded to any of my concerns or pleas for transportation.

11. Steuben County has one of the Highest suicide rates in the state 12.3 (Queens has 6.4, Manhattan 8.4, Chemung, next door with an "urban" population is 9.8) NY has the third lowest suicide rate in the nation

12. My complaints and concerns seem to be the first time anyone has heard anything about anything if the responders are to be believed. Because of my concerns there is now allegedly training for public bus drivers and tie downs on the few/rare public buses. I don't know as i will never risk my life on them again.

13. I was denied handicapped parking in front of the house that i own and pay taxes on. The city installed too-steep-for-me-to-use-unassisted curb cuts. Kids seem to enjoy using these ramps as do young mothers pushing baby strollers.

14. You can get drugs, alcohol and pizza delivered to your home in Corning. You cannot get fruit, vegetables, milk, or other groceries delivered. I pay half again the cost of my groceries to have someone shop for me.

15. There are no local delivery services-- this extends beyond groceries, there is no way to have anything else delivered locally.

16. People who know me me and of my situation have created places that i cannot access. I was invited to perform in a public space that was inaccessible -- no ramps, no ground level entry. The new art gallery is on the second floor of a building without an elevator.

17. The local yarn store is new, opened on the second floor of a building without an elevator

18. The ramp to the AIM building is too steep for me to navigate unassisted.




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