I remember thinking "this is for the rest of my life".    I said this over and 
over to myself, still in a kind of  disbelief that this had happened to me.     
  It is a constant battle
with the body, new problems developing periodically,  but I am still here and I 
am the same person that I was before TM, maybe better.    I am much more
tolerant of people now and have more patience in daily life.    I understand 
things on a much deeper level than before and I feel more.     I am not saying 
that I don't
vent every once in a while, but I guess I am trying to make lemonade out of 
lemons.        I realize that I have only had TM for almost 4 years, and that 
many of you
have had TM many more years and were left with many more problems than me.     
It would be interesting to hear from others on how TM left you on a mental
or emotional level on a day- to- day basis.    What changes you have noticed 
about yourself?

From: john snodgrass 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 5:10 PM
To: transverse myelitis 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] {TMIC}sweating

      i have to watch my emotions when i see the dates many of you have fought 
with this thing.
       my mind keeps looking for some healing.
      that may just happen,but after almost 3 years,doesn't look likely.

      --- On Wed, 11/10/10, Robert Pall <rp...@neillsupply.com> wrote:

        From: Robert Pall <rp...@neillsupply.com>
        Subject: RE: [TMIC] {TMIC}sweating
        To: "Patricia Cooley" <patticoole...@gmail.com>, "Janice Nichols" 
<jan...@centurytel.net>, "kevin weilacher" <hwyfli...@yahoo.com>, 
rn11...@yahoo.com, tmic-list@eskimo.com
        Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 1:54 PM

        After 13+ year the only thing that really increases my discomforts is 
rain and or high humidity. Hot and cold have no more effect on me now than 
before TM. It just continues to show that despite our similarities no two of us 
are exactly the same.

        Rob in New Jersey

        From: Patricia Cooley [mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com] 
        Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 1:32 PM
        To: 'Janice Nichols'; 'kevin weilacher'; rn11...@yahoo.com; 
        Subject: RE: [TMIC] {TMIC}sweating

        I have been reading all your posts about sweating, and I guess I am an 
odd case.  I don’t have any problems with hot weather.  I have always sweat 
more in my hair than anywhere else, even before TM.  My problem is the cold.  I 
am always cold so I guess that is why the hot weather doesn’t affect me too 
much.  I do like sleeping in a cool room and like lots of blankets.  I was told 
with TM your internal thermostat is not working properly.

        Patti - Wisconsin 


        From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
        Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 12:09 PM
        To: kevin weilacher; rn11...@yahoo.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: Re: [TMIC] {TMIC}sweating


        Ditto!       Janice

        From: kevin weilacher 

        Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:42 AM

        To: rn11...@yahoo.com ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 

        Subject: Re: [TMIC] {TMIC}sweating

        I have been totally confused about the sweating issue ever since TM hit 
        My lesions are L4, L5 and S1 and now since TM, the only place I sweat 
is my head and when I sweat, I sweat profusely, I mean to the point that it 
drips off my nose and down the sides of my head...

        I sweat no other place on my body, even during the summer on hot days 
outside. I get warm, but I do not sweat. No underarm sweat, nothing.....


        From: "rn11...@yahoo.com" <rn11...@yahoo.com>
        To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
        Sent: Wed, November 10, 2010 9:30:57 AM
        Subject: [TMIC] {TMIC}sweating

              Hi Everyone,

                  I got tm at the thoracic level (T4-5),but when I perspire on 
my face,one side gets red and moist,the other stays pale and dry. No one has 
ever had an explanation for this.A couple of docs even suggested that maybe I 
always had this and just noticed it after tm! 

                   Cheryl in Easthampton,MA


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