You're not alone.
I am cold-- right now at home have one two shirts, hat, sweater. Will make some hot water to warm up.
Thermostat is at 74 and had my house insulated this summer.

I sleep with three shirts, sweater, two hats, as well as layers of blankets.

One part is Tm another part is what TM caused-- paralysis and the fact that i've had to thin my blood through aspirin.


I have been reading all your posts about sweating, and I guess I am an odd case. I don't have any problems with hot weather. I have always sweat more in my hair than anywhere else, even before TM. My problem is the cold. I am always cold so I guess that is why the hot weather doesn't affect me too much. I do like sleeping in a cool room and like lots of blankets. I was told with TM your internal thermostat is not working properly.

Patti - Wisconsin


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