Not an answer but a suggestion.
If your lesion is in your brainstem perhaps some of the the medications
and approaches used for MS might be helpful.


May I break in with a question of my own?

I am having a great deal of trouble with cramping and what I just learned is called hypertonis, which is too much muscle tone and willingness to contract, and the feedback loop to the brain that would tell the muscle not to contract being damaged by the TM in my brainstem, where the lesion was actually found.

I can't continue to function with this hypertonis, which feels as if I am being electrocuted from the base of my spine, all the way down my legs and arms, so that it hurts a lot to move at all, or even talk. Only by being completely still and relaxed does this pain subside.

Have any of you had experience with this? And if so, can you recommend a medication which might be useful?

Thanks, and hope to hear back soon,



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