I am very excited and hopeful and will stay in touch with you through out
your recovery period of several months.  Email is my choice of communication
method and since I live over 6,000 miles from you (assuming Albany means NY)
in Hawaii.  I am the only TM patient in the state and the only one there has
ever been.  Neurologists here only knew of TM from books.  I am 63, one year
with TM and do not want to spend the rest of my life in a wheel chair.

I just came across an article on CCSVI this morning and began researching
it.  A light went off in my brain and I went back to my in-box looking for
your email.  It really didn't mean anything to me when I first read it and
since I knew nothing about your question, I did not respond.  I hope others
will now respond as well since what you are willing to do may help us all.
Even if the angioplasty does not work, please let me thank you for all of us
TM'ers for trying out a truly new approach to solving our problem.  I will
be in touch within a couple of days of your surgery.  Do you know how long
you might be in the hospital?  I don't want to bother you there.

Best of Luck from all of us at TMIC


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Cyril Mansperger <
cyril.mansper...@gmail.com> wrote:

> James, thank you so much for responding; I was getting the feeling that I
> did not exist. To date there have been a bit over a thousand angioplasties
> done in this country and I consulted with a group of interventional
> radiologists associated with Albany Medical Center. This particular group
> led by Gary Siskin md has performed about 485 of the total to date, on MS
> patients, as part of a study. I was introduced to them through a friend of
> mine with 35 years of MS. He has had considerable improvement in spite of
> the length of time he has been a victim and in only 2 months.
>     I met with Dr.Siskin [he is on a u-tube speaking to colleagues] who was
> concerned about my expectations as he was unaware of the two cases of TM, I
> had heard of outside this country. I  basicly said I have tried many
> different therapies since TM 3/1997 diagnosis and some resulted in more
> dramatic developments than others, but I was game for anything, whether no
> gains or even a little. It was worth the try, be it with him or the Greeks
> who performed it on the patient, I believe, from England.
>    He said ok; however, I would be the first TMer in this country and if
> there is improvement he would wish to write it up in the appropriate
> journals and include it in his lectures, of course. No hesitation on my
> part. He also decided to do it only on the Azygous vein since I had no brain
> lesions.
>    I am sceduled for February 4th @ Albany Med.  I'm not real comfortable
> with Internet [I'm a slow typer].  Feel free to call:    845-797-9932 can
> leave a message, if no answer.
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 3:25 PM, James Berg <molokai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How are you doing?  I have been reading up on this and we allneed to know
>> how it may or may not have helped you.
>> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Cyril Mansperger <
>> cyril.mansper...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Please, would anyone who has recieved the venogram with angioplasty
>>> performed on them contact me. I am going for a consultation Tuesday with a
>>> group of Interventional Radiologists to educate them as to the possibilities
>>> and I only know of two Patients to date that have had the procedure
>>> performed on them and with great success.
>>> Thank You.
>>> Cyril Mansperger 845 797-9932

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