I wrote yesterday and told you about my husband and his lymphoma in the
spinal cord.  Here is the update that I sent out to family & friends:


Hello Family & Friends,


It has been 12 days since my last update.  Lots has happened since then so
let me fill you in on what has been happening.  


John is going to therapy 5 days per week.  He certainly has the right
attitude but sometimes his body doesn't want to cooperate.  There is lots of
weakness going on and we believe that it has something to do with
Chemotherapy.   While chemo is busy killing cancer cells it does wreak havoc
on the other parts of your body.  So little progress has been made at
therapy but it certainly isn't from a lack of trying.  John really wants to
at least get to the point that he was at after leaving rehab back in
October, which was basically in a wheelchair but could transfer to bed,
toilet, chair, etc. using a walker.  As this point in time, he is in a bed
most of the day (wheelchair 3-5 hours per day) and is using a transfer board
to do his transfers.  He is able to stand in place anywhere between 30
seconds to 1.5 minutes depending if it is a good day or a bad day.


Marcella continues to be a nice place.  The amenities are very nice.  The
nursing staff are very pleasant and just like with any other place they are
short staffed and over worked.  We have found this to be true in each
hospital and/or rehab since all of this started.  But considering it is
pretty good there.  John attends occupational and physical therapy 5 days
per week for at least 2.5 hours total.


Today, John had his 3rd chemo treatment.  When we arrived and they did the
usual blood work and then we met with Nancy, Dr. Henry's CRNA.  She gave us
great news.  The lymphoma in the back is diminished..gone.  The lymph nodes
under the arms and the groin have regressed to less than half their size
compared to the previous Pet/Cat Scans which were taken prior to starting
the radiation and chemo.   This is fantastic news.  John is also starting to
get "some" feelings in his left leg..things like muscle spasms, sensations,
etc.  This is all part of the healing process..and we pray that the spine
will heal completely and all of that will go away.  We really don't know how
much damage has occurred nor how much will return to good health..only time
will tell.


John tolerated the chemo very well and was able to get the abbreviated
version since this was the 3rd treatment.  The first time he got chemo they
were very careful and it dripped at a very slow speed which took almost 12
hours from start to finish.  Today Chemo started around 12PM and he was on
the stretcher heading back to Marcella by 3:15PM.    While he was getting
Chemo we had Chinese food for lunch and John was able to eat 8 buffalo
chicken wings and a platter of shrimp low mein and pork fried rice.  He even
ate his fortune cookie!!  It was extremely enjoyable!!


Another good news item is that originally we were told that he would have to
have 5 or 6 chemo treatments.  Today we were told that he only has to have 1
more treatment which he will get on February 9th.  He will have to get
another Pet/Cat Scan sometime after the last dose of chemo.


We also found out that John's hemoglobin and hemocrit was very low
today.like at 8.5.  So they have him an injection to help elevate that.
This injection is much like Procrit but you only have to have it once every
3 weeks (it is called Aranesp).  He will get his second dose at the next
chemo visit.  Nancy said that the low numbers is contributing to his
weakness and may be why he is having difficulty making progress in therapy.


We also met with the Nutritionist.  John has lost a lot of weight recently
because of the thrush he had in his mouth.it caused him to have difficulty
swallowing.  She has recommended that he drink an ensure in between meals to
get good nourishment and said that she was going to look at his blood work
and contact Marcella and have him take a multi vitamin.  


The social worker gave us information regarding what we need to do when John
comes home.  If he doesn't make progress by February 5th, Medicare will not
allow him to stay at a sub-acute facility and he will have to come home.  So
we talked about the options that are available to us like at home physical
therapy, visiting nurses, visiting certified nursing assistants, etc.  I
will talk more about this as we approach John coming home whenever that will


So that is the update..it certainly is a positive update.  We were both
excited about the shortened chemotherapy treatments because once the chemo
goes away the weakness will go away and he will be able to concentrate on
getting some of his mobility back.


Thank you for being there when we need you..but keep those prayers coming..I
think they are starting to work now!!!!


God bless all of you and keep you healthy!!


Love to all,




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