Totally true, Cheryl;

Only our WW II vets got a good deal.  The rest, no.  one reason, I suspect,
is that since WW II we have never declared war, even though we have gone to
war many times.  And those non-war wars were all unpopular.  Thus, the
government wishes that the results of those wars on our citizens not be seen
in the least.

I know so many of my classmates who went to Viet Nam, and they are still
regarded as nut cases in people's minds.

We shoal;d seek veterans out where we see them; listen to their stories and
allow ourselves to suffer some of their needs for them.  Wouldn't this be
true witnessing and service for God?

Dalton Garis

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760

From:  john snodgrass <>
Date:  Wed, 6 Apr 2011 16:54:39 -0700 (PDT)
To:  transverse myelitis <>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] OT:Chiropractic treatment(and then some)
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Wed, 6 Apr 2011 16:55:02 -0700

Cheryl it is a shame of all shames how this country has treated its
veterans. I know a few that have stuck in there and received what was
promised and deserved but i know even more that wont fight the system and
suffer from their service.
Im sure theres books written about it.

I remember reading where one of the early presidents made the statement that
anything spent of the peoples money above the security of the people was

our generations have not only plundered the peoples money but have and are
plundering the security!

lol,,,wheres my soap-box,,,lemmie speak on this!

be blessed.

--- On Wed, 4/6/11, <> wrote:
> From: <>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
> To: "john snodgrass" <>
> Cc: "tmic" <>
> Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 7:05 PM
> John,
>    This happens to a lot of people.My son and son-in-law were both kicked out
> of the service (both honorable discharges.
>    After a long fight my son-in-law finally got partial disability.
>    My sister's son-in-law fought in Iraq and had a back injury;he gets 10%
> disability! He also has PTSD and would get 100% if he accepted that dx. Since
> it is a psych disorder,he won't do it.
>     This country treats veterans shamefully.
>         Cheryl in rainy Easthampton,MA
> --- On Wed, 4/6/11, john snodgrass <> wrote:
>> From: john snodgrass <>
>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
>> To: "Dalton Garis" <>
>> Cc: "transverse myelitis" <>
>> Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 1:23 PM
>> MED200
>> had an episode when i worked in a hospital and hurt my back and the army sent
>> me home stating that once i finished AIT that i would fall back on uncle sam
>> for the rest of my life so they dumped me.
>> remember    he is your uncle,,,,,,not your daddy!   ;)
>> --- On Wed, 4/6/11, Dalton Garis <> wrote:
>>> From: Dalton Garis <>
>>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
>>> To: "john snodgrass" <>
>>> Cc: "transverse myelitis" <>
>>> Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 10:54 AM
>>> . . . It wasn't needed to keep me out of the Army in 1967.  My number was
>>> 186.  Talk about lottery!
>>> From:  john snodgrass <>
>>> Date:  Mon, 4 Apr 2011 08:04:21 -0700 (PDT)
>>> To:  Dalton Garis <>
>>> Cc:  transverse myelitis <>
>>> Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
>>> the odd's,,,the unwanted lotery
>>> --- On Mon, 4/4/11, Dalton Garis <> wrote:
>>>> From: Dalton Garis <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
>>>> To:,
>>>> Date: Monday, April 4, 2011, 10:50 AM
>>>> Come to think of it;
>>>> I was diagnosed with spondilolesthesis at aged 15 and had back problems
>>>> from then on.  It even kept me out of the Army in 1967.  Then the 30' fall
>>>> from a power poll in 1970 at aged 22, which smashed everything.
>>>> Anyway, what we are NOT considering is how many others had all these
>>>> problems and never went on to develop MS, TM, or any similar condition.
>>>> Because I know of very few persons who do not have some sort of back
>>>> condition‹injury-situation-whatever.
>>>> Dalton
>>>> Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
>>>> Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
>>>> Mobile: +971-50-668-5760
>>>> From:  <>
>>>> Date:  Sun, 3 Apr 2011 21:45:29 EDT
>>>> To:  <>
>>>> Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
>>>> Resent-From:  <>
>>>> Resent-Date:  Sun, 3 Apr 2011 18:46:04 -0700
>>>> I've wondered about that too... I've had Scoliosis since I was 12, had 9
>>>> vertebrae fused together at 19 and now TM. Wish i could hit the Lottery
>>>> with that much luck!
>>>> Betty
>>>> (in Northern Calicornia)
>>>> In a message dated 4/3/2011 5:53:37 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
>>>> writes:
>>>>>   There is a good amount of people with TM that has had spine injuries
>>>>> prior to getting TM.  Is there a connection to this or just coincidence?
>>>>> Does anyone know?    Emily Meyers
>>>>>  From: bobby jim []
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 7:41 PM
>>>>> To: Bob and Sue Mattis; TMIC list
>>>>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
>>>>>      Well, I have spondylolisthesys at L-2,3  ....  which means that L-3
>>>>> is out of place and pulled back from L-2.   I got it in the mid 1980s when
>>>>> trying to lift a very heavy window without support.
>>>>>   I felt a ping in my lower back, but that was all.
>>>>>   I forgot about it till:  after trying to move a crate weighing over 220
>>>>> lbs, I pulled that old injury to my spine and a few dayze later, I had a
>>>>> bad case of sciatica and then lumbago.   So I went to a chiropractor who
>>>>> took x-rays of my spine, pinpointed the troubling spot and proceeded to
>>>>> manipulate my back, pushing here, massaging there,   etc........
>>>>>   My neck was also having a bout of crepitation so she worked on that one
>>>>> as well.      Five years afterwards, I lost all discomfort in my back and
>>>>> neck.   
>>>>>   Yes, it took that long....but it was worth it.  However,  when I overdo
>>>>> it at work some 'pain' comes back so I do some exercises she also taught
>>>>> me, some involve stretching and bending; and when doing some of them I can
>>>>> 'hear' my spine shifting   (crunch crunch) and the 'pain' is gone.  Same
>>>>> with my neck.   The noises have never bothered me, and have never been
>>>>> threatening to my back or neck.
>>>>>   I've heard of some horror stories about chiropractors.   But not me....
>>>>> did I luck out.......????
>>>>>   If I had to do it again, I'd jump right in.
>>>>>   BobbyJim   
>>>>>>   From: Bob and Sue Mattis
>>>>>>   To: TMIC list
>>>>>>   Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 16:35
>>>>>>   Subject: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
>>>>>>   Hey group!
>>>>>>   I don't usually ask about opinions dealing with myself, but more often
>>>>>> about concerns of other folks, but this time it's about me. Has anyone in
>>>>>> our group ever used chiropractic treatment after TM?  I have had TM for
>>>>>> 10 years and are able to walk either unaided or with a cane or walker
>>>>>> depending on the circumstances.  Over the last few years, because of my
>>>>>> gait issues, and the way I "waddle", I have developed hip pain on a daily
>>>>>> basis.  I have gotten approval from my neuro to see a chiropractor but
>>>>>> there is still that little nagging voice in my head that tells me not to
>>>>>> mess with my spine.  I'd appreciate any thoughts you have on this.
>>>>>> Thanks    folks!
>>>>>>   Sue

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