Does your insurance company have case managers?
Or can you get one through the public health system?
When i had insurance (pre Medicare) a person at the insurance
told me about a health prof. case manager who would coordinate these things.
(then i got  ssdisability and lost the insurance).

Why do insurance companies make you send in referrals for every separate thing? You'd think they would include recommended tests,surgery,etc all under the main referral. Plus,there is no local orthopedic oncologist for me to see. I just realized late last night I need my PCP to refer me for the shoulder biopsy,and for a pathologist to read the results. Good thing I thought of it,or I'd be paying out of pocket (and my pockets are pretty empty!). Called my PCP's office and I need the doctor's name address phone # and diagnosis before they can send it to Boston.
  Just added stress I don't need. I'm taking deep breaths and trying to relax.
  On top of everything,I have pinkeye in both eyes.An itchy, gunky mess.
   Things have got to get better!


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