Yikes, Cheryl !!

Pinkeye is nasty, and every time you lie down the eye feels as if it would
burst from pressure.

It is a lousy business about these referrals.  The objective of the
insurance company is to make it as hard as legally possible for the
"customer"‹I despise that word in reference to medical care!‹to obtain
compensated services for which the insurance purveyor is liable.

As was pointed out to me last year‹maybe on this line?‹why is it that the
credit card company has complete information about us anytime they need to
contact us, but insurance companies always have us fill out new forms
listing all the facts they must already have on record?

Anyway, for me, the less I know about how badly I am being shafted by an
institution for which there is nothing to be done, the better I feel.
Ignorance is bliss in that case, since there is nothing to do, and it just
makes the blood boil and leads me into another attack of muscle
contractions, and keeps me lying awake with a sore heart, when I should be
sleeping‹do you know what I mean here?

I will prey for better results for you than you have had, and peace of heart
and mind, so as to conserve your strength for the fights you face ahead.



From:  L T CHERPESKI <cherp...@msn.com>
Date:  Mon, 20 Jun 2011 21:09:34 -0600
To:  tmic <tmic-list@eskimo.com>, <rn11...@yahoo.com>
Resent-From:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date:  Mon, 20 Jun 2011 20:10:28 -0700

> Bless your heart, Cheryl.  I think maybe it's time you caught a break here.
> And I don't mean catching pinkeye.  Just know this please.  Your TM family is
> here for you ~ always.  You're in my thoughts and prayers every day.  Hey keep
> taking those deep breaths and try to relax as much as possible.  (I know,
> easier said than done)
> hugs to you, strong lady
>   Linda in Eagle, ID
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: rn11...@yahoo.com
>> To: tmic <mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 8:43 AM
>>  Hi,
>>    Why do insurance companies make you send in  referrals for every separate
>> thing? You'd think they would include  recommended tests,surgery,etc all
>> under the main referral. Plus,there is  no local orthopedic oncologist for me
>> to see.
>>    I just  realized late last night I need my PCP to refer me for the
>> shoulder  biopsy,and for a pathologist to read the results. Good thing I
>> thought  of it,or I'd be paying out of pocket (and my pockets are pretty
>> empty!).  Called my PCP's office and I need the doctor's name address phone #
>> and  diagnosis before they can send it to Boston.
>>   Just added stress  I don't need. I'm taking deep breaths and trying to
>> relax.
>>   On  top of everything,I have pinkeye in both eyes.An itchy, gunky mess.
>>    Things have got to get  better!
>>           Cheryl

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