No kidding!  Akua; if I lived close by I would vacuum your floor.  I can do 
that now.  Pam

Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:39:41 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

it is a sad thing that this is done in regulated areas as well as unregulated 
areas in our lives. this is the very mindset that has brought our country to 
the embarrassing financial situation we are in.waste,fraud,,greed greed greed.
and we the people suffer loss of what would be good service because of it,and 
in the economical way we have to go we need service.
service is
 costly but if it is a good service and done with dignity it doesn't matter 
what type of service,it adds quality to all our lives.
the Christian bible has a book tagged "proverbs" and it is full of service 
suggestions that win every single time.
Prosper and live long Akua,,I understand your struggle.
Be it implied,imposed,self imposed,or whatever a struggle is a struggle and 
everyone doesn't look for the good of his fellow citizen.
spread some honey out when ever you can,,,,,,it attracts worker bees.
crap just attracts biting flies. 
God knows i have had the flies!
From: Akua <>
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 1:32
Subject: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

I have an aide come once a week  for two hours. I would like more time and more 
help as those two hours are spent grocery shopping, so I get no  help around 
the house. But I can't afford more. The Home Health Care agency charges $25 an 
hour for her and I was fortunate to be granted a subsidy
from United Way, so I only have to pay half. But that's still $25 a week 
additional for groceries.

They had a nurse come every six months. This I never understood, as she either 
harassed my aide and made me lose part of the precious two hours as she asked 
inane questions, or she came and asked me to show her my "care plan."

The last time the nurse was here in the spring, she insulted and threatened me. 
I swore she would not enter my house again and I wrote a letter about  what 
occurred, but decided against sending it.

Two weeks ago the nurse called me, and in her usual rude and cavalier way,left 
a message telling me  told
 me she would
be over the next day. I  called and said would not be available. Then i called 
the agency and said that
I did not want anymore dealings with this person and could they please find 
someone else to send.

The head of the agency said they only had one person to do this. I said i 
didn't understand why this had to be done... why was a nurse necessary? I 
reminded her that i had used their services for 3 years now, that i was very 
happy with my aide, but was not going to voluntarily submit myself to insult
and distress. The head went on to try to persuade me/dissuade me by telling me 
that their one other nurse covered another territory.

To which i had nothing to say. This was their requirement and it made no sense 
to me.

This week she called me and left a message saying call her. I really dislike 
messages that don't have information and when i returned the call-- 90 minutes 
later, she was to be out of the office
 for the next two days. I was directed to the second in command who said that  
i was going to be reclassified.
Reclassified? I said i have one person, once a week, for two hours who goes 

Well  i would be reclassified so that a nurse wouldn't have to come.

I said nothing. Since getting TM i find it hard to follow illogic and agree 
with it. But on further reflection
I think they got money that i didn't pay for having a nurse attributed to my 
account and perhaps
United Way picked up the tab, to the tune  of $75/hour and they were able to 
continue with this subtle
fraud until I refused to have the nurse come harass me again.  But that's 3 
years of unnecessary
nonservice and easy money for that firm.
It's a dirty shame. I'm glad i didn't cave on this.



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