I wonder if they will ever know what caused the problem.     Anyway, glad to 
hear the good news.

From: Cody 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 3:50 PM
To: Bernie ; TMIC ; Ballard Jon and Lynn ; Basten Krystal ; Bohannon Jerry and 
Paula ; Bohannon Joe and Gloria ; Isaacs Donny and Kim ; Kidwell Paul and 
Christine ; McCarty Kenneth and Diane ; Roberson Bruce and Ruth ; Stepanov 
Alexander and Irina 
Cc: Bates Jeff and Brenda ; Bohannon Jerry and Paula ; Bohannon Joe and Gloria 
; Isaacs Butch and Louise ; Isaacs Donny and Kim ; Iselin Herman ; Kennedy 
Larry and Barbara ; Kidwell Paul and Christine ; Lairmore Angela ; Lyde Sue 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cody in icu

Hi all,  Just got in from the hospital. He is off the ventilator, still has 
feeding tube but they are going to do a swallow test and he may get off of it 
tonight or tomorrow. They have not found any sign that he is having any 
neurological problems and I felt like hugging the doctor. They still have some 
of the test that haven’t came in yet from the spinal tap, but he said he wasn’t 
expecting anything. He was doing well enough I came home to get some things 

From: Bernie 
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 2:01 PM
To: c...@austin.rr.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cody in icu

Hi Judy,
  This Cody's friend here in Austin. We met at the group meetings we used to 
have at the library. I am so sorry this has happened to him! Please keep me 
informed as to what happens, and when  you see him, give him my best regards 
and prayers for a speedy recovery. God Bless and I will keep him and your 
family in my prayers.

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