I personally had no good experience with it.

I had no bad experience with it.

Just another one of those trials for me that didnt help out  

Somewhere I read where someone else loved it.

 From: Bernie <bpe...@austin.rr.com>
To: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>; TMIC <tmic-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

Not trying to scare off anyone considering taking this medication, but one has 
to be very careful with Lyrica, it has some very nasty side effects. Make sure 
your doctor starts you on a low dose and that you and your doctor monitor 
yourself very closely for these. Make a list of all of them and keep it handy. 
I was put on Lyrica and it made my life horrendous with a lot of misery until 
they could get me off of it. One also has to be weened off Lyrica, abrupt 
stopping of the taking of this medication can actually kill you. Here are a 
couple of links that tells you about Lyrica for you and your doctor to 



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